Interactive work on the compute nodes

  • Understand what an interactive session is

  • Understand why one may need an interactive session

  • Start an interactive session

  • Test to be on an interactive node with the right amount of cores

  • End an interactive session

  • Start an interactive session with multiple cores

  • Test to be on an interactive node with multiple cores

  • Run an interactive-friendly Python script on multiple cores

  • Run an interactive-unfriendly Python script on multiple cores

  • End an interactive session with multiple cores

Compute allocations in this workshop

  • Rackham: naiss2024-22-1202

  • Kebnekaise: hpc2n2024-114

  • Cosmos: lu2024-7-80

Storage space for this workshop

  • Rackham: /proj/r-py-jl-m-rackham

  • Kebnekaise: /proj/nobackup/r-py-jl-m


Some users develop Python code in a line-by-line fashion. These users typically want to run a (calculation-heavy) script frequently, to test if the code works. However, scheduling each new line is too slow, as it can take minutes before the new code is run. Instead, there is a way to directly work with such code: use an interactive session.

Some other users want to run programs that (1) use a lot of CPU and memory, and (2) need to be persistent/available. One good example is Jupyter. Running such a program on a login nodes would harm all other users on the login node. Running such a program on a computer node using sbatch would not allow a user to connect to it. In such a case: use an interactive session.

About Jupyter

For HPC2N, using Jupyter on HPC2N is possible, through a batch job. This will be show in the Kebnekaise part of the simultaneous session.

For UPPMAX, using Jupyter is easier and this will be shown in this course, in the UPPMAX-only session on Jupyter.

For LUNARC, using Jupyter works best using the LUNARC HPC Desktop. Go to the Applications menu, hover over Applications - Python, and select Jupyter Lab from the menu that pops up to the right.

An interactive session is a session with direct access to a compute node. Or alternatively: an interactive session is a session, in which there is no queue before a command is run on a compute node.

In this session, we show how to:

  • the different ways HPC2N, UPPMAX, and LUNARC provide for an interactive session

  • start an interactive session

  • check to be in an interactive session

  • check to have booked the expected amount of cores

  • end the interactive session

The different way HPC2N, UPPMAX, and LUNARC provide for an interactive session


Here we define an interactive session as a session with direct access to a compute node. Or alternatively: an interactive session is a session, in which there is no queue before a command is run on a compute node.

This differs between HPC2N, UPPMAX, and LUNARC:

  • HPC2N: the user remains on a login node. All commands can be sent directly to the compute node using srun

  • UPPMAX: the user is actually on a computer node. Whatever command is done, it is run on the compute node

  • LUNARC: the user is actually on a computer node if the correct menu option is chosen. Whatever command is done, it is run on the compute node

Start an interactive session

To start an interactive session, one needs to allocate resources on the cluster first. On the LUNARC HPC desktop, this is done by choosing applications from the Desktop On Demand Applications menu and selecting/filling in resources in the GfxLauncher popup. For HPC2N and UPPMAX, this must be done at the command line. See also the following table:

















Start an interactive session in the simplest way

To start an interactive session in the simplest way, is shown here:


interactive -A [project_name]

Where [project_name] is the UPPMAX project name, for example interactive -A naiss2024-22-107.

The output will look similar to this:

[richel@rackham4 ~]$ interactive -A naiss2024-22-107
You receive the high interactive priority.
You may run for at most one hour.
Your job has been put into the devcore partition and is expected to start at once.
(Please remember, you may not simultaneously have more than one devel/devcore job, running or queued, in the batch system.)

Please, use no more than 8 GB of RAM.

salloc: Pending job allocation 9093699
salloc: job 9093699 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 9093699 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 9093699
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes r314 are ready for job
 _   _ ____  ____  __  __    _    __  __
| | | |  _ \|  _ \|  \/  |  / \   \ \/ /   | System:    r314
| | | | |_) | |_) | |\/| | / _ \   \  /    | User:      richel
| |_| |  __/|  __/| |  | |/ ___ \  /  \    |
 \___/|_|   |_|   |_|  |_/_/   \_\/_/\_\   |


              User Guides:

              Write to, if you have questions or comments.

[richel@r314 ~]$

Note that the prompt has changed to show that one is on an interactive node.

Indeed, all you really need is the project name. However, this way may have some default settings that do not fit you.

Start an interactive session in a more elaborate way

The simplest way to start an interactive session may have some defaults settings that do not fit you:

  • session duration is too short

  • the session has too few cores available

Here we show how start an interactive session in a more elaborate way, with a custom session duration and a custom amount of cores:

Here we start an interactive session on the devcore partition, with a custom session duration and a custom amount of cores:

interactive -p devcore -n [n_tasks] --time=[duration] -A naiss2024-22-107

where [n_tasks] is the number of tasks, [duration] is the time given in HHH:MM:SS format, and [project_name] is the UPPMAX project name.

The parameters -p devcore mean that the devcore partition is used, which results in jobs that start either faster or just as fast. Nice!

As an example, here an interactive job is started with 4 tasks, for 1 hour, for the UPPMAX project naiss2024-22-107:

interactive -p devcore -n 4 --time=1:00:00 -A naiss2024-22-107

Note that, as Slurm uses 1 task per core by default, we request 4 cores.

The output will be similar to this:

[bjornc@rackham2 ~]$ interactive -A naiss2024-22-107 -p devcore -n 4 -t 10:00
You receive the high interactive priority.
There are free cores, so your job is expected to start at once.

Please, use no more than 6.4 GB of RAM.

Waiting for job 29556505 to start...
Starting job now -- you waited for 1 second.

Check to be in an interactive session

To check to be in an interactive session, do:


If the output is r[number], where [number] is a number, you are on a computer node. Well done!

If the output is rackham[number], where [number] is a number, you are still on a login node.

Check to have booked the expected amount of cores

To check to have booked the expected amount of cores:

srun hostname

The output should be one line of r[number], where [number] is a number, you have booked one core.

If the output is more than one line of r[number], where [number] is a number, you have booked more than one core.

If the output is rackham[number], where [number] is a number, you are still on a login node.

Here is an example of output when 4 cores had been booked:

[bjornc@r483 ~]$ srun hostname

Running a Python script in an interactive session

To run a Python script in an interactive session, first load the Python modules:

module load python/3.11.8

To run a Python script on 1 core, do:

python []

where [] is the path to a Python script, for example srun python ~/

To run a Python script on each of the requested cores, do:

srun python []

where [] is the path to a Python script, for example srun python ~/

Not all Python scripts are suitable for an interactive session. This will be demonstrated by two Python example scripts.

Our first example Python script is called it is a simple script that adds two numbers from command-line arguments:

import sys

x = int(sys.argv[1])
y = int(sys.argv[2])

sum = x + y

print("The sum of the two numbers is: {0}".format(sum))

Our second example Python script is called it is a simple script that adds two numbers from user input:

# This program will add two numbers that are provided by the user

# Get the numbers
a = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second number: "))

# Add the two numbers together
sum = a + b

# Output the sum
print("The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}".format(a, b, sum))

End the interactive session

To end and interactive session, do:


This will look similar to this:

[bjornc@r484 ~]$ exit

[screen is terminating]
Connection to r484 closed.

[bjornc@rackham2 ~]$

Note that the prompt has changed to contain rackham[number], where [number] is a number, which indicates one is back on a login node.


In these exercises:

  • we prepare to use two Python example scripts

  • we use a minimal interactive session

  • we use a more optimized interactive session

Exercise 0: be able to use the Python scripts

Exercise 0.1. be able to use the first Python script

Find or download the first Python script,

Run it using python 3 14.

Exercise 0.2. be able to use the second Python script

Find or download the second Python script,,

Run it using python

Exercise 1

Learning objectives

  • Start an interactive session with 1 core

  • Test to be on an interactive node

  • Test to be on an interactive session with 1 core

  • Run Python scripts on 1 core

  • End an interactive session

Exercise 1.1: start an interactive node

Start an interactive node in the simplest way possible.

Exercise 1.2: check to be in an interactive session

Confirm to be on a compute node.

Exercise 1.3: check to have booked the expected amount of cores

Confirm to have booked one core.

Exercise 1.4.1. Running the first Python script in an interactive session

Run the first Python example script,, in the interactive session.

Exercise 1.4.2. Running a second Python script in an interactive session on all nodes

Run the second Python example script,, in the interactive session.

Exercise 1.5: exit

Exit the interactive node

Exercise 2

Learning objectives

  • Start an interactive session with multiple cores

  • Test to be on an interactive node with multiple cores

  • Run an interactive-friendly Python script on multiple cores

  • Run an interactive-unfriendly Python script on multiple cores

  • End an interactive session

Exercise 2.1: start an interactive node

Start an interactive node in the simplest way possible.

Exercise 2.2: check to be in an interactive session

Confirm to be on a compute node.

Exercise 2.3: check to have booked the expected amount of cores

Confirm to have booked one core.

Exercise 2.4.1. Running the first Python script in an interactive session on all nodes

Run the first Python example script,, in an interactive session, on all nodes.

Exercise 2.4.2. Running a second Python script in an interactive session on all nodes

Run the second Python example script,, in an interactive session, on all nodes.

Exercise 2.5: exit

Exit the interactive node



You have:

  • seen how to use a compute node interactively, which differs between HPC2N and UPPMAX

  • checked if we are in an interactive session

  • checked if we have booked the right number of cores

  • run Python scripts in an interactive session, which differs between HPC2N and UPPMAX

  • seen that not all Python scripts can be run interactively on multiples cores

  • exited an interactive session