Conda at UPPMAX


  • What does Conda do?

  • How to create a Conda environment


  • Learn pros and cons with Conda

  • Learn how to install packages and work with the Conda (isolated) environment


  • On Bianca (with no internet), Conda is the first choice when installing packages, because there is a local mirror of most of the Conda repositories.

Using Conda

Conda cheat sheet

  • List packages in present environment: conda list

  • List all environments: conda info -e or conda env list

  • Install a package: conda install somepackage

  • Install from certain channel (conda-forge): conda install -c conda-forge somepackage

  • Install a specific version: conda install somepackage=1.2.3

  • Create a new environment: conda create --name myenvironment

  • Create a new environment from requirements.txt: conda create --name myenvironment --file requirements.txt

  • On e.g. HPC systems where you don’t have write access to central installation directory: conda create –prefix /some/path/to/env``

  • Activate a specific environment: conda activate myenvironment

  • Deactivate current environment: conda deactivate

Install with conda (UPPMAX)


We have mirrored all major conda repositories directly on UPPMAX, on both Rackham and Bianca. These are updated every third day. We have the following channels available:

  • bioconda

  • biocore

  • conda-forge

  • dranew

  • free

  • main

  • pro

  • qiime2

  • r

  • r2018.11

  • scilifelab-lts

You reach them all by loading the conda module. You don’t have to state the specific channel when using UPPMAX. Otherwise you do with conda -c <channel> ...

First steps


There will be an exercise in the end!

  1. First load our conda module (there is no need to install you own miniconda, for instance)

$ module load conda
  • This grants you access to the latest version of Conda and all major repositories on all UPPMAX systems.

  • Check the text output as conda is loaded, especially the first time, see below

Conda load output :class: dropdown

  • The variable CONDA_ENVS_PATH contains the location of your environments. Set it to your project’s environments folder if you have one.

  • Otherwise, the default is ~/.conda/envs.

  • You may run source to initialise your shell to be able to run conda activate and conda deactivate etc.

  • Just remember that this command adds stuff to your shell outside the scope of the module system.

  • REMEMBER TO conda clean -a once in a while to remove unused and unnecessary files

  1. First time

  • The variable CONDA_ENVS_PATH contains the location of your environments. Set it to your project’s environments folder if you have one.

  • Otherwise, the default is ~/.conda/envs.

  • Example:

    $ export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=/proj/<your-project-id>/nobackup/<username>
  • When conda is loaded you will by default be in the base environment, which works in the same way as other conda environments. include a Python installation and some core system libraries and dependencies of Conda. It is a “best practice” to avoid installing additional packages into your base software environment.

  1. Create the conda environment

  • Example:

$ conda create --name python36-env python=3.6 numpy=1.13.1 matplotlib=2.2.2
  1. Activate the conda environment by:

 $ source activate python36-env

- You will see that your prompt is changing to start with ``(python-36-env)`` to show that you are within an environment.
  1. Now do your work!

  2. Deactivate

conda deactivate


  • Conda is known to create many small files. Your diskspace is not only limited in GB, but also in number of files (typically 300000 in $home).

  • Check your disk usage and quota limit with uquota

  • Do a conda clean -a once in a while to remove unused and unnecessary files

Working with Conda environments defined by files

  • Create an environment based on dependencies given in an environment file:

    $ conda env create --file environment.yml
  • Create file from present conda environment:

    $ conda env export > environment.yml

environments.yml (for conda) is a yaml-file which looks like this:

name: my-environment
  - defaults
  - numpy
  - matplotlib
  - pandas
  - scipy

environments.yml with versions:

name: my-environment
  - defaults
  - python=3.7
  - numpy=1.18.1
  - matplotlib=3.1.3
  - pandas=1.1.2
  - scipy=1.6.2

More on dependencies


UPPMAX: Create a conda environment and install some packages

  • First check the current installed packages while having python/3.9.5 loaded

  • Open a new terminal and have the old one available for later comparison

  • Use the conda module on Rackham and create an environment with name HPC-python23 with python 3.7 and numpy 1.15

    • Use your a path for CONDA_ENVS_PATH of your own choice or /proj/py-r-jl/<user>/python

    • (It may take a minute or so)

  • Activate!

  • Check with pip list what is there. Compare with the environment given from the python module in the first terminal window.

    • Which version of Python did you get?

  • Don’t forget to deactivate the Conda environment before doing other exercises!

Using pip on Bianca

  • Bianca cluster does not have direct internet access

  • If a python package is not not available on Bianca already (like Conda repositories) you may have to use the wharf to install your tools

  • Install with pip to Bianca


  • Conda is an installer of packages but also bigger toolkits

  • Conda creates isolated environments (see next section) not clashing with other installations of python and other versions of packages

  • Conda environment requires that you install all packages needed by yourself.

    • That is, you cannot load the python module and use the packages therein inside you Conda environment.