Load and run
You can use the module system to load a specific version of Matlab
module load matlab
You can start the Matlab GUI
matlab &
or On-demand on LUNARC
You can run Matlab on the terminal
matlab -nodisplay [-singleCompThread -nosplash -nodesktop]
Slurm job scheduler and Matlab in terminal
You can configure the cluster <project-id if on UPPMAX or LUNARC>
You can can add job settings needed to run jobs from Matlab
c.AdditionalProperties.<properties like AccountName/WallTime>
You can work in the Matlab terminal interface
It works almost the same as with GUI.
You can submit jobs from inside the Matlab terminal interface
job = batch('myScript');
You can write and submit a Matlab batch script
Create a
!/bin/bash #SBATCH -A my_account #SBATCH -t 00:10:00 module load <matlab version> matlab -nojvm -nodisplay -r "monte_carlo_pi(100000)"
You can use GPUs with Matlab
c.AdditionalProperties.GpusPerNode = 1;
Matlab GUI and Slurm
You can submit jobs from inside the Matlab GUI
c=parcluster('name-of-your-cluster'); %extra slurm settings j = c.batch(@myfunction,'nr. outputs',{'list of input args'},'pool','nr. workers'); j.wait; % wait for the results j.fetchOutputs{:}; % fetch the results
Note that batch also accepts script names in place of function names, but these must be given in single quotes, with no @ or .m.
You can work with Matlab in parallel
parfor spmd parfeval
You can check that you are in an interactive session
After running
on UPPMAX or LUNARC you will see that the linux prompt shows another hostname
You can view add-ons and toolboxes
It is all more or less graphical
You can install add-ons
Search in add-ons explorer and install.
Ends up in local folder and is in the path so it should be reached wherever you are in the file tree.
Session-UPPMAX: Matlab client on the desktop
You can use the Matlab client on the desktop
download and decompress UPPMAX configure file.
run configCluster on local MATLAB and set user name
- Steps to run
set parcluster settings, like you do otherwise.
Session: Matlab in Jupyter
You can start run Matlab in Jupyter
You need to configure and install some python packages the first time
After that starting jupyter will find the Matlab kernel