
The evaluation form can be found here. It takes into account that one may need to leave early too.

What is in the form?

These questions are in the form:

Introduction to running R, Python, Julia, and Matlab in HPC, 22-25/10-2024 - DAY 1 Python

Thanks for your feedback.
This feedback will be published as-is at the end of the evaluation period (after 1 November 2024), if and only if there are no personal details (email, address, etc.) in the feedback. Do mention the teachers, assistants, etc by name!

1.Overall, how would you rate today's training event?

- Value from 1 to and including 10

2.Today's content and feedback to the lecturers (e.g. materials, exercises, structure): – What did you like best?

- Open question

3.Today's content and feedback to the lecturers (e.g. materials, exercises, structure): – Where should we improve?

- Open question

4.Training event organisation (e.g. announcement, registration, ...):  –   What did you like best?      – Where should we improve?

- Open question

5.Length of teaching today was
- Adequate
- Too short
- Too long

6.Depth of content was
- Adequate
- Too superficial
- Too profound

7.The pace of teaching was
- Adequate
- Too slow
- Too fast

8.Teaching aids used (e.g. slides) were well prepared
- Agree completely
- Agree
- No strong feelings
- Disagree
- Disagree completely

9.Hands-on exercises and demonstrations were
- Adequate
- Too few
- Too many

10.Hands-on exercises and demonstrations were well prepared
- Agree completely
- Agree
- No strong feelings
- Disagree
- Disagree completely

11.How would you rate the separate sessions?

- Introduction
- Load and run
- Packages
- Isolated environments
- Python in batch
- Interactive work
- Jupyter
- Parallel
- Conda

With answers
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Very good
- Excellent
- Did not attend

Give you confidence levels of the following statements,
using this scale:

- 0: I don't know even what this is about ...?
- 1: I have no confidence I can do this
- 2: I have low confidence I can do this
- 3: I have some confidence I can do this
- 4: I have good confidence I can do this
- 5: I absolutely can do this!

Give you confidence levels of the following statements below:

- I can use the module system to load a specific version of Python
- I can run Python
- I can use the Python interpreter
- I can run a Python script
- I can determine the version of a Python package
- I can determine that a Python package is not installed
- I can load a Python package module
- I can install a Python package using ``pip``
- I can work (create, activate, work, deactivate) with a ``venv`` virtual environment
- I can write a bash script
- I can submit a script to the job scheduler
- I can write a bash script that uses GPUs
- I can start an interactive session
- I can check that I am in an interactive session
- I can start an interactive session with multiple cores
- I can check that I am in an interactive session with multiple cores
- I can start Jupyter
- I can start a script that uses parallel code
- I can measure the effect of using more nodes for parallel code

13.Did today's course meet your expectation?

- Yes
- No
- Not sure

14.Which future training topics would you like to be provided by the training host(s)?

- Open question

15.Do you have any additional comments?

- Open question