
Technical on local computer

  • We recommend that you set up both:

    • a terminal on you computer that can handle X11 graphics AND

    • install the “Remote Access Desktop application” ThinLinc, see below.

Basic terminal clients

If you are in a hurry or get problems in the installation procedure you can do most of the work from these first steps.

  • Use terminal (e.g. from Launchpad) or iTerm2


Mac built-in terminal

  • iTerm2 goodies:
    • You can save hosts for later.

    • Drag and drop scp

Add X11 graphics to terminal

X11-forwarding from the command line (generally)

  • Graphics can be sent through the SSH connection you’re using to connect
  • The X servers that enables graphics are needed, as mentioned above!
    • When starting a graphical program, a new window will open, but your terminal will be “locked”.

    • Run using “&” at the end to run it as a background process e.g. “xeyes &” or “gedit &

  • Alternatively, use <ctrl>-z to put a graphical window to sleep and type “bg” to make this process work in the background.


  • Rackham, Kebnekaise and Bianca offer graphical login.

  • This gives you a desktop environment, as if you were working on your own computer!

  • Install ThinLinc client
  • Login to ThinLinc desktop application by providing the following

  • server:

  • username

  • password


Try to log in

  • Follow the steps in the emailed instructions.

  • First time you need to use a terminal to set password

  • When password is set you can begin to use ThinLinc as well.


  • When logging in the first time in ThinLinc, choose XFCE desktop.

  • Test it!


  • When you log in from your local computer you will always arrive at a login node with limited resources.
    • You reach the calculations nodes from within the login node (See Submitting jobs section)

  • You reach UPPMAX clusters either using a terminal client or Thinlinc

  • Graphics are included in Thinlinc and from terminal if you have enabled X11.

  • Which client to use?
    • Graphics and easy to use

    • ThinLinc

  • Best integrated systems
    • Visual Studio Code has several extensions (remote, SCP, programming IDE:s)

    • Windows: MobaXterm is somewhat easier to use.

Text editors on the Clusters

  • Nano

  • gedit

  • mobaxterm built-in


  • There are many ways to edit your scripts.

  • If you are rather new.

    • Graphical: $ gedit <script> &

      • (& is for letting you use the terminal while editor window is open)

      • Requires ThinLinc or ssh -Y ... or ssh -X

    • Terminal: $ nano <script>

  • Otherwise you would know what to do!

  • ⚠️ The teachers may use their common editor, like vi/vim
    • If you get stuck, press: <esc> and then :q !


  • Let’s make a script with the name

$ nano
  • Insert the following text

# This program prints Hello, world!
print('Hello, world!')
  • Save and exit. In nano: <ctrl>+O, <ctrl>+X

You can run a python script in the shell like this:

$ python
# or
$ python3


  • Basic knowledge of the languages used the different days.

  • We won’t test your skills though.

  • Rather you will learn to understand the ecosystems and navigations for the the different languages on a HPC cluster.

See below for links to useful material if you need a refresher before the course.

  • More important is how to work in Linux and especially Bash


Material for improving your programming skills

First level

The Carpentries teaches basic lab skills for research computing.

Second level

Code Refinery develops and maintains training material on software best practices for researchers that already write code.

  • Their material addresses all academic disciplines and tries to be as programming language-independent as possible.

  • Code refinery lessons

Third level

ENCCS (EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden) is a national centre that supports industry, public administration and academia accessing and using European supercomputers. They give higher-level training of programming and specific software.

Understanding clusters

The two HPC centers UPPMAX and HPC2N

Two HPC centers

  • There are many similarities:

    • Login vs. calculation/compute nodes

    • Environmental module system with software hidden until loaded with module load

    • Slurm batch job and scheduling system

    • pip install procedure

  • … and small differences:

    • commands to load Python, Python packages, R, Julia

    • slightly different flags to Slurm

  • … and some bigger differences:

    • UPPMAX has three different clusters

      • Rackham for general purpose computing on CPUs only

      • Snowy available for local projects and suits long jobs (< 1 month) and has GPUs

      • Bianca for sensitive data and has GPUs

  • HPC2N has Kebnekaise with GPUs

  • Conda is recommended only for UPPMAX users


To distinguish these modules from the python modules that work as libraries we refer to the later ones as packages.

What is a cluster?

  • Login nodes and calculations/computation nodes

  • A network of computers, each computer working as a node.

  • Each node contains several processor cores and RAM and a local disk called scratch.

  • The user logs in to login nodes via Internet through ssh or Thinlinc.

    • Here the file management and lighter data analysis can be performed.

  • The calculation nodes have to be used for intense computing.

Common features

  • Intel CPUs

  • Linux kernel

  • Bash shell







Cores/compute node

28 (72 for largemem part)




Memory/compute node

128-3072 GB

128-1024 GB

128-4096 GB

128-512 GB


NVidia V100, A100, old K80s


NVidia T4

NVidia A100

Overview of the UPPMAX systems

graph TB

  Node1 -- interactive --> SubGraph2Flow
  Node1 -- sbatch --> SubGraph2Flow
  subgraph "Snowy"
  SubGraph2Flow(calculation nodes) 

        thinlinc -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        terminal -- usr --> Node1
        terminal -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        Node1 -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + no VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        subgraph "Bianca"
        SubGraph1Flow(Bianca login) -- usr+passwd --> private(private cluster)
        private -- interactive --> calcB(calculation nodes)
        private -- sbatch --> calcB

        subgraph "Rackham"
        Node1[Login] -- interactive --> Node2[calculation nodes]
        Node1 -- sbatch --> Node2

Overview of the HPC2N system