Basic knowledge of Python.
We won’t test your skills though.
Rather you will learn to understand the ecosystems and navigations for using Python on a HPC cluster.
See below for links to useful material if you need a refresher before the course. Level 1 should be enough.
More important is how to work in Linux and especially Bash
some familiarity with the LINUX command line (recordings from HPC2N:s Linux intro and UPPMAX Intro course),
Material for improving your programming skills
First level
The Carpentries teaches basic lab skills for research computing.
Second level
Code Refinery develops and maintains training material on software best practices for researchers that already write code.
Their material addresses all academic disciplines and tries to be as programming language-independent as possible.
Third level
ENCCS (EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden) is a national centre that supports industry, public administration and academia accessing and using European supercomputers. They give higher-level training of programming and specific software.
Understanding clusters
The HPC centers UPPMAX, HPC2N, LUNARC, and NSC
Four HPC centers
There are many similarities:
Login vs. calculation/compute nodes
Environmental module system with software hidden until loaded with
module load
Slurm batch job and scheduling system
pip install
… and small differences:
commands to load Python, Python packages
sometimes different versions of Python, etc.
slightly different flags to Slurm
… and some bigger differences:
UPPMAX has three different clusters
Rackham for general purpose computing on CPUs only
Snowy available for local projects and suits long jobs (< 1 month) and has GPUs
Bianca for sensitive data and has GPUs
HPC2N has Kebnekaise with GPUs
LUNARC has Cosmos with GPUs (and Cosmos-SENS)
- NSC has several clusters
BerzeLiUs (AI/ML, NAISS)
Tetralith (NAISS)
Sigma (LiU local)
Freja (R&D, located at SMHI)
Nebula (MET Norway R&D)
Stratus (weather forecasts, located at NSC)
Cirrus (weather forecasts, located at SMHI)
We will be using Tetralith, which also has GPUs
Conda is recommended only for UPPMAX/LUNARC/NSC users
At HPC2N, UPPMAX, LUNARC, and NSC we call the applications available via the module system modules.
To distinguish these modules from the python modules that work as libraries we refer to the later ones as packages.
Briefly about the cluster hardware and system at UPPMAX, HPC2N, LUNARC, and NSC
What is a cluster?
Login nodes and calculations/computation nodes
A network of computers, each computer working as a node.
Each node contains several processor cores and RAM and a local disk called scratch.
The user logs in to login nodes via Internet through ssh or Thinlinc.
Here the file management and lighter data analysis can be performed.
The calculation nodes have to be used for intense computing.
Common features
Intel (and for HPC2N/LUNARC, also AMD) CPUs
Linux kernel
Bash shell
Technology |
Kebnekaise |
Rackham |
Snowy |
Bianca |
Cosmos |
Tetralith |
Cores/compute node |
28 (72 for largemem, 128/256 for AMD Zen3/Zen4) |
20 |
16 |
16 |
48 |
32 |
Memory/compute node |
128-3072 GB |
128-1024 GB |
128-4096 GB |
128-512 GB |
256-512 GB |
96-384 GB |
NVidia V100, A100, A6000, L40s, H100, A40, AMD MI100 |
None |
NVidia T4 |
NVidia A100 |
NVidia A100 |
NVidia T4 |