On Bianca cluster
What is Bianca?
How to install packages on Bianca?
Overview of pros with CONDA on Bianca
Show how to pip install if package is not available from conda
Bianca has no Internet! pip
will not work!
Since we have mirrored conda repositories locally conda will work also on Bianca!
First try conda, as above.
If packages are not available, follow the guidelines from the UPPMAX Bianca course:
[Packages and libraries to scripting programs](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/intermediate/install/#packages-and-libraries-to-scripting-programs)
[Conda on Bianca](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/extra/conda/)
[Install with pip on Bianca](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/extra/pip/)
First try: Conda
Second try: pip install or isolated environment moved from Rackham to Bianca via secure transfer