NAISS SENS and Bianca


  • We’ll briefly get an overview of kinds of sensitive data

  • … and the Bianca system

The Bianca workshop

Instructor note

  • Approx timing: 14.45-15.30 (15 min Coffee break)

    • Can perhaps be squeezed to 15 minutes after the coffee break

  • Information

See also

  • Bianca portal:

Sensitive personal data

Apply for project

Open NAISS SENS Rounds


  • Bianca is a great platform for computationally intensive research on sensitive personal data. It can also be useful for:

    • national and international collaboration on sensitive personal data (without a high compute need)

    • other types of sensitive data

  • Bianca is not good for:

    • storing data

    • publishing data

      • unless the dataset is very popular among Bianca users, e.g. Swegen, SIMPLER

Bianca’s design

  • Bianca was designed to:

    • make accidental data leaks difficult

    • make correct data management as easy as possible

    • emulate the HPC cluster environment that SNIC/NAISS users were familiar with

    • provide a maximum amount of resources

    • satisfy regulations.

Bianca has no Internet

… but we have “solutions”


  • Bianca is only accessible from within Sunet (i.e. from university networks).

  • Use VPN outside Sunet. Link to VPN for UU

    • You can get VPN credentials from all Swedish universities.

  • The whole Bianca cluster (blue) contains hundreds of virtual project clusters (green), each of which is isolated from each other and the Internet.

  • Data can be transferred to or from a virtual project cluster through the Wharf, which is a special file area that is visible from the Internet.

See also

Introduction course


  • If you handle sensitive data, apply for a NAISS-SENS project

  • SENS projects will get accounts on Bianca

  • Bianca has no internet itself but there are solutions like:

    • wharf

    • transit server

    • many installed software

  • Ask support if you need additional software tools