
Today’s content

  • Overview

    • NAISS makes available large-scale high-performance computing resources, storage capacity, and advanced user support, for Swedish research.

    • UPPMAX runs the local resources placed at Uppsala Universtiy

    • A cluster consists of several inter-connected computers that can work individually or together.

  • Log in

    • Terminals

    • ThinLinc

  • Linux introduction

    • Understanding

    • Basic commands

  • UPPMAX & support

  • UPPMAX clusters

    • Rackham - general

    • Snowy - local compute, and courses

    • Bianca - sensitive data


    • projects

  • Software and tools

    • software modules

    • installing

  • Using the compute nodes

    • queues

    • interactive

    • batch

  • Working on UPPMAX

    • some tips

  • NAISS Sens and Bianca

    • No direct internet connection

    • Wharf

The new documentation



  • Do we need break-out rooms?