

  • How to reach UPPMAX clusters?

  • Where do I arrive when I log in? Login or calculation node?

  • What clients should/could I use for my work at UPPMAX?

  • How can I enable graphics?


  • We’ll go through platform specific (Mac/Linux/Windows) ways to log in to UPPMAX

  • See different clients

  • Enable graphics

  • Try yourself!

Instructor note

  • Approx timing: 9:30-9:55

  • Demos/type-alongs


If you lack a user account, visit the Getting started page

General understanding

  • When logging in to UPPMAX from your local computer you will arrive to your home folder at the login node.

  • This means that only light analysis and and calculations should be made here.

  • You will see this in the prompt after “@” as the clustername and a low number. For instance:

       [<user>@rackham3 linux_tutorial]$
  • You will later learn how to reach the calculation nodes. Then the prompt states the node number with a single letter, like “r” for Rackham. For instance:

       [<user>@r484 linux_tutorial]

The login

  • We will use Rackham for the course

See the documentation


  • If you receive errors or warnings, instead try:

$ ssh <username>@rackham.uppmax.uu.se
  • If you do have X11 installed:

$ xeyes &

Try Thinlinc from web


  • When you log in from your local computer you will always arrive at a login node with limited resources.

  • You reach the calculations nodes from within the login node (See Submitting jobs section)

  • You reach UPPMAX clusters either using a terminal client or Thinlinc

  • Graphics are included in Thinlinc and from terminal if you have enabled X11.

  • Which client to use?

  • Graphics and easy to use

    • ThinLinc

  • Best integrated systems

    • Visual Studio Code has several extensions (remote, SCP, programming IDE:s)

    • Windows: MobaXterm is somewhat easier to use.