How to reach UPPMAX clusters?
Where do I arrive when I log in? Login or calculation node?
What clients should/could I use for my work at UPPMAX?
How can I enable graphics?
We’ll go through platform specific (Mac/Linux/Windows) ways to log in to UPPMAX
See different clients
Enable graphics
Try yourself!
Instructor note
Approx timing: 9:30-9:55
If you lack a user account, visit the Getting started page
General understanding
When logging in to UPPMAX from your local computer you will arrive to your home folder at the login node.
This means that only light analysis and and calculations should be made here.
You will see this in the prompt after “@” as the clustername and a low number. For instance:
[<user>@rackham3 linux_tutorial]$
You will later learn how to reach the calculation nodes. Then the prompt states the node number with a single letter, like “r” for Rackham. For instance:
[<user>@r484 linux_tutorial]
The login
Login procedure
Which login procedure is best for You, depends on:
Your background
Your OS environment,
Your planned interaction with your local computer
Your planned use of graphics on the cluster
We will use Rackham for the course
See the documentation
Log in with a ternminal
Use any tool that you have installed
Log in with a ternminal but enable graphics
Use any tool that you have installed http://docs.uppmax.uu.se/getting_started/login_rackham/#terminal-with-x11-server-and-light-graphics
First try:
$ ssh -Y <username>@rackham.uppmax.uu.se
If you receive errors or warnings, instead try:
$ ssh <username>@rackham.uppmax.uu.se
If you do have X11 installed:
$ xeyes &
Try Thinlinc from web
Try the web version now if you don’t already have the software installed!
Login procedure
If you plan to:
do day-to-day work where terminal shell is sufficient
Mac: Terminal, iTerm2
Linux: Terminal
Windows: Putty, Windows Powershell or even command prompt (CMD)
interact with your local computer
Mac/Linux: you can always work in a local shell (mutiple terminal windows open)
(S)FTP browser: Filezilla, Cyberduck
(S)FTP browser: WinSCP
MobaXterm has built-in SFTP browser
you may benefit from having a Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL(2)
do day-to-day work with some graphical applications (X forwarding)
Mac: Terminal, iTerm2 + XQuartz
Linux: Terminal
Windows: MobaXterm
integrate you cluster work with code development
All OS: Example Visual Studio Code
use sophistic graphical interfaces like RStudio and MATLAB etcetera
ThinLinc application
use Bianca
ThinLinc from web
When you log in from your local computer you will always arrive at a login node with limited resources.
You reach the calculations nodes from within the login node (See Submitting jobs section)
You reach UPPMAX clusters either using a terminal client or Thinlinc
Graphics are included in Thinlinc and from terminal if you have enabled X11.
Which client to use?
Graphics and easy to use
Best integrated systems
Visual Studio Code has several extensions (remote, SCP, programming IDE:s)
Windows: MobaXterm is somewhat easier to use.