Welcome on-line!

Course punchline

  • Move from being a Linux novice to an UPPMAX expert.

Course aim

  • UPPMAX application experts want to share their skills in a 4-day series of lectures.

  • If you already have the fundamentals down, you are still sure to enjoy the tips and tricks in the later parts of the course.

  • Hence we’ve made it possible to sign up only for the days that are interesting to you.

Learning outcomes

  • Get overview of UPPMAX and NAISS

  • Work with your files in a LINUX environment

  • Learn to use the UPPMAX resources in a good way

  • Learn the basics in the Python programming language

Lesson material

New documentation page


Questions requiring more effort to explain or answer


  • Exercises may be solved individually or in small groups in breakout rooms.

Type along

  • You will be able to follow along using the built-in terminals in all OSs.

    • Linux/Mac Terminal

    • Windows: Powershell or command prompt

  • For your day-to-day work you may benefit from other applications, see the Login session

The topics

Linux I at 9-12 Monday

  • Overview

  • Logging in to UPPMAX

  • Linux basics

  • Using the command line

Intro to UPPMAX 13-16 Monday

  • Organisation

  • HPC computing

  • SNIC

  • Using software and tools

  • Submitting jobs to calculation nodes (intro)

  • Bianca cluster

Linux II 9-12 Tuesday

  • Using the command line level 2

  • Input, output and pipes

  • Wildcards

  • The find command

  • Links

Linux III 13-16 Tuesday

  • The grep command

  • Using the command line level 3

  • Variables, parameters and $(…)

  • Filenames

Bash Scripts 9-12 Wednesday

  • Bash scripting, why’s and basics

  • Parameters

  • The IF statement

  • File tests

  • FOR and WHILE loops

  • Background processes and job control

Slurm at UPPMAX 13-16 Wednesday

  • A workload manager

  • Queuing

  • Monitoring

  • in queue

  • while running

  • when finished

  • Job testing within the interactive or “devel” mode

  • Scripting

Python I 9-12 Thursday

  • Introduction

  • Basics

  • Data types

  • Control structures

  • Writing and executing a program

Python II 13-16 Thursday

  • Creating a program

  • Functions


Preliminary schedule

  • First time in this manner so timings are preliminary.


  • 9.00 Intro

  • 9.15 Overview

  • 9.30 Log in

  • 9.55 15 min coffee break

  • 10.10 Linux intro

  • 10.40 Linux basic commands

  • (c. 11.00 10 min break)

  • 11.30 Overview - part 2

  • 11.35 HPC

  • 11.40 NAISS and projects

  • 11.50 Q/A if time allows

  • 12.00 LUNCH

  • 13.00 Software and tools

  • 13.30 Using compute nodes

  • (c. 14.00 10 min break)

  • 14.30 Working on UPPMAX

    • Room for sharing tips

    • Then run to coffee break

  • (14.45 NAISS-SENS and Bianca (Do we have any users here?))

  • 14.55 15 min coffee break

  • 15.10 NAISS-SENS and Bianca p2

  • 15.30 Courses and workshops

  • 15.35 Summary

  • 15.40 Q/A

The New documentation

  • New look later in spring for the official UPPMAX webpage, now at <www.uppmax.uu.se>

  • We like the documentation/tutorials in another style: http://docs.uppmax.uu.se

    • boxes, graphs, programming code style

  • Let’s look at the documentation!

    • Getting started

    • Cluster user guide

    • Software

    • Databases

Style of todays lectures

  • Information sessions

  • Case sessions with usage of the new documentation

Icebreaker in HackMD