

  • Let’s recap and go a little deeper into the organization of NAISS/UPPMAX

Instructor note

  • Approx timing: 11.30-11:35

  • Theory

Organisational orienteering

  • VR/SRC and a consortium of universities funds NAISS — the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden

  • NAISS and Uppsala University fund UPPMAX. — UU’s supercomputing centre.

  • Compute and Storage is a unit of NBIS, the national bioinformatics support infrastructure and a SciLifeLab platform, and is hosted by UPPMAX.

UPPMAX missions

  • Mission for NAISS: to provide a quality high-performance computing environment nationally

    • General purpose: Rackham

    • Data intensive. Rackham/Bianca

    • Sensitive data (human sequences): Bianca

  • Mission for UU: to provide relevant services to Uppsala University

    • For UU researchers and education: Snowy cluster

  • Mission for NBIS/SciLifeLab: to provide the best possible environment for data-driven life science, especially bioinformatics

UPPMAX support staff

  • System experts

    • Hardware and system

  • Application experts

    • software and usage

    • compute and storage project allocations

    • user accounts

The Application experts not dealing with allocation and accounts

  • Transfer HPC competence

    • intro courses like this

  • Transfer computational know-how within the respective fields

  • In other words:

    • installing software,

    • troubleshooting,

    • general advice,

    • possibly make jobs more efficient.

  • Email support for any query: support@uppmax.uu.se or use support form

    • “Tickets” are distributed according to competence among the staff