Working on UPPMAX


  • Let’s get some tips and best practices

Instructor note

  • Approx timing: 14.30-14:45

    • May be expanded if good discussions and interactions

    • Helpers and users can share their solutions

  • Information

  • discussion

$HOME dir and project dir


  • Disk usage and number of files

  • $HOME has always 32 GB and 300,000 files

  • You typically have one project per project, their size dependent on type of project

  • Compute projects both have disk space (128 GB) and computing time attached to them

  • Check your quota with

$ uquota

Core hours

  • You get core hours only from compute project

  • When they are used you can still get “BONUS” jobs if the resources allow.

  • You can find your current projects (and other projects that you have run jobs in) with the program projinfo.

$ projinfo [<username>]


$ projinfo [<project name>]
  • For example, if your project is named NAISS 2017/1-334 you specify naiss2017-1-334

What kind of work will you perform?


:Rackham login Node;
if (Do CPU/memory intensive work) then (yes)
  :Use calculation node;
  if (Do interactive work) then (yes)
    :$ interactive -A <proj> <options>;
  else (no)
    :Make a batch script;
    :$ sbatch <script>;
else (no)
  :Stay on login node and load your module(s):
  $ module load <software/tool>;
  :Run tool: 
  $ <toolname> [- options, input, output];

UPPMAX Cluster overview again!

graph TB

  Node1 -- interactive --> SubGraph2Flow
  Node1 -- sbatch --> SubGraph2Flow
  subgraph "Snowy"
  SubGraph2Flow(calculation nodes) 

        thinlinc -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA----> SubGraph1Flow
        Node1 -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA----> SubGraph1Flow
        subgraph "Bianca"
        SubGraph1Flow(Bianca login) -- usr+passwd --> private(private cluster)
        private -- interactive --> calcB(calculation nodes)
        private -- sbatch --> calcB

        subgraph "Rackham"
        Node1[Login] -- interactive --> Node2[calculation nodes]
        Node1 -- sbatch --> Node2

Common problems

  • Conda environment clashes with loaded python modules

  • Forgotten environment variables defined in your .bashrc may give unexeptected errors when you run other programs or new versions of a program

  • A full $HOME folder may cause unexpected errors

    • check with uquota



  • Do not fill ~/.bashrc with too much

    • Avoid loading modules, unless you are totally sure that those will not interact with other things you are doing

    • Typical problem: loading several conflicting conda environments and python modules

  • Good place to have:

    • aliases

    • source files (if needed)

      • these can set some environment variables

  • Example from Björn C

alias lt='ls -lrt'
alias sq='squeue -u $USER'
alias sc='scancel'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias less='less -R'
  • When done, start a new bash session in a new terminal or type bash in the present one.


  • You cannot mix Conda environments with python software module

  • Conda is very nice for Bianca, because of the ease of install packages without the internet connection.

  • For Rackham we suggest Python virtual environemnts with virtualenv, see Python course

    • Unless the conda environment is straight-forward to install and is well-defined.

Things worked before but do not now

  • Check uquota !

  • Very often a full disk space is the reason


  • Any input from other teachers!


  • Use your disk spaces wisely

    • home folder just for general stuff and files needed by several projects

      • always read and write protected for others by default

    • otherside project folder which will more easily become public for others

      • by default available for all project members.

  • Use the computing resources wisely

    • low intensity work on login node

    • high intensity work on compute nodes (core hours are counted)

      • for development use the interactive sessions

      • otherwise make batch jobs!