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Working with environment modules on Bianca

Working with a computer cluster module system


  • Being able to search/load/unload modules
  • Create an executable Bash script that uses a module (without SLURM)
Notes for teachers

Teaching goals:

  • The learners demonstrate they can find a module
  • The learners demonstrate they can load a module of a specific version
  • The learners demonstrate they can unload a module
  • The learners demonstrate they can load a module in a script
  title Lesson plan on modules
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  Prior knowledge: prior, 0, 5s
  Theory: theory, after prior, 5s
  Exercises: crit, exercise, after theory, 25s
  Feedback: feedback, after exercise, 10s


Use the UPPMAX documentation on modules to do these exercises.

Video with solutions

There is a video that shows the solution of all these exercises: YouTube

1a. Verify that the tool cowsay is not available by default
cowsay hello

Gives the error message: cowsay: command not found.

1b. Search for the module providing cowsay
module spider cowsay

You will find the cowsay/3.03 module.

1c. Load a specific version of that module
module load cowsay/3.03
1d. Verify that the tool cowsay now works
cowsay hello
1e. Unload that module
module unload cowsay/3.03
1f. Verify that the tool cowsay is not available anymore
cowsay hello

Gives the error message: cowsay: command not found.

2a. Create an executable script called It should load a specific version of the cowsay module, after which it uses cowsay to do something

Copy-paste this example text:

module load cowsay/3.03
cowsay hello

Make the script executable:

chmod +x


2b. Find out: if the cowsay module is not loaded, after running the script, is it loaded yes/no?

Running the script does not load the module beyond running the script.

[richel@sens2023598-bianca ~]$ cowsay hello
-bash: cowsay: command not found
[richel@sens2023598-bianca ~]$ ./ 
< hello >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
[richel@sens2023598-bianca ~]$ cowsay hello
-bash: cowsay: command not found
3. module load samtools/1.17 gives the error These module(s) or extension(s) exist but cannot be loaded as requested: "samtools/1.17. How to fix this?

If you do module load samtools/1.17 without doing module load bioinfo-tools first, you'll get the error:

$ module load samtools/1.17
Lmod has detected the following error:  These module(s) or
extension(s) exist but cannot be loaded as requested: "samtools/1.17"
   Try: "module spider samtools/1.17" to see how to load the module(s).

The solution is to do module load bioinfo-tools first.

Want more complex/realistic exercises?

The goal of this lesson is to work with the module system in a minimal/fast way. These exercises do not achieve anything useful. See 'Bigger exercises' for more complex/realistic exercises

Bigger exercises

Hands on: Running R within RStudio, use ggplot2 from R_packages/4.1.1
  1. Load the R_packages/4.1.1 module and the latest RStudio module, and start RStudio with rstudio &. ThinLinc load R_packages RStudio

  2. Load the ggplot2 R library, provided by R_packages/4.1.1, and produce an example plot. ThinLinc ggplot2

  3. Save the plot using ggsave. ThinLinc ggsave

Hands on: Loading the conda/latest module
  1. Load the conda/latest module.
    $ ml conda/latest
    The variable CONDA_ENVS_PATH contains the location of your environments. Set it to your project's environments folder if you have one.
    Otherwise, the default is ~/.conda/envs. Remember to export the variable with export CONDA_ENVS_PATH=/proj/...
    You may run "source" to initialise your shell to be able
    to run "conda activate" and "conda deactivate" etc.
    Just remember that this command adds stuff to your shell outside the scope of the module system.
    REMEMBER TO USE 'conda clean -a' once in a while

We want to set the CONDA_ENVS_PATH variable to a directory within our project, rather than use the default which is our home directory. If you do not set this variable, your home directory will easily exceed its quotas when creating even a single Conda environment. This will be covered in more detail in the afternoon.

Do this one on an interactive/computer node!

Please, do the exercise below on an interactive node! The tools use too much resources to be used on a login node. Alternatively, use the Slurm scheduler instead :-)


  • To access bioinformatics tools, load the bioinfo-tools module first.
Hands on: Processing a BAM file to a VCF using GATK, and annotating the variants with snpEff

This workflow uses a pre-made BAM file that contains a subset of reads from a sample from European Nucleotide Archive project PRJEB6463 aligned to human genome build hg38. These reads are from the region chr1:100300000-100800000.

  1. Copy example BAM file to your working directory.

    $ cp -a /proj/sens2023598/workshop/data/ERR1252289.subset.bam .

  2. Take a quick look at the BAM file. First see if samtools is available.

    $ which samtools

  3. If samtools is not found, load bioinfo-tools then samtools/1.17

    $ ml bioinfo-tools samtools/1.17

  4. Now create an index for the BAM file, and examine the first 10 reads aligned within the BAM file.

    $ samtools index ERR1252289.subset.bam
    $ samtools view ERR1252289.subset.bam | head

  5. Looks good. Now load the GATK/ module.

    $ module load GATK/

  6. Make symbolic links to hg38 genome resources already available on UPPMAX. This provides local symbolic links for the hg38 resources genome.fa, genome.fa.fai and genome.dict.

    $ ln -s /sw/data/iGenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg38/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.* .

  7. Create a VCF containing inferred variants. Speed it up by confining the analysis to this region of chr1.

    $ gatk HaplotypeCaller --reference genome.fa --input ERR1252289.subset.bam --intervals chr1:100300000-100800000 --output ERR1252289.subset.vcf
    This produces as its output the files ERR1252289.subset.vcf and ERR1252289.subset.vcf.idx.

  8. Now use snpEff/5.1 to annotate the variants. Loading snpEff/5.1 results in a change of java prerequisite. Also take a quick look at the help for the module for help with running this tool at UPPMAX.

    $ ml snpEff/5.1
    The following have been reloaded with a version change:
      1) java/sun_jdk1.8.0_151 => java/OpenJDK_12+32
    $ ml help snpEff/5.1
    ------------------- Module Specific Help for "snpEff/5.1" --------------------
        snpEff - use snpEff 5.1
        Version 5.1
        Usage: java -jar $SNPEFF_ROOT/snpEff.jar ...
        Usage: java -jar $SNPEFF_ROOT/SnpSift.jar ...
        along with the desired command and possible java options for memory, etc
        Note that databases must be added by an admin -- request via
        See for general help
    Every database that is provided by snpEff/5.1 as of this installation is installed.  This complete list
    can be generated with
        java -jar $SNPEFF_ROOT/snpEff.jar databases
    Three additional databases have been installed.
        Database name                  Description                                      Notes
        -------------                  -----------                                      -----
        c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS283     Caenorhabditis elegans genome version WS283      MtDNA uses Invertebrate_Mitochondrial codon table
        canFam4.0                      Canis familiaris genome version 4.0
        fAlb15.e73                     Ficedula albicollis ENSEMBLE 73 release
    The complete list of locally installed databases is available at $SNPEFF_ROOT/data/databases_list.installed
    To add your own snpEff database, see the guide at

  9. Annotate the variants.

    $ java -jar $SNPEFF_ROOT/snpEff.jar eff hg38 ERR1252289.subset.vcf > ERR1252289.subset.snpEff.vcf

  10. Take a quick look!

    $ less ERR1252289.subset.snpEff.vcf

  11. Compress the annotated VCF and index it, using bgzip and tabix provided by the samtools/1.17 module, already loaded.

    $ bgzip ERR1252289.subset.snpEff.vcf
    $ tabix -p vcf ERR1252289.subset.snpEff.vcf.gz