Using the compute nodes


  • This is a short introduction in how to reach the compute nodes

  • Wednesday afternoon is wedded to this topic!

Instructor note

  • Approx timing: 13.30-14.30 (10 min break)

  • Theory

  • Hands-on



  • project number: naiss2024-22-49

The compute nodes

When you are logged in, you are on a login node. There are two types of nodes:



Login node

Start jobs for worker nodes, do easy things.

Compute nodes

Do hard calculations, either from scripts of an interactive session.

graph TB

  Node1 -- interactive --> SubGraph2Flow
  Node1 -- sbatch --> SubGraph2Flow
  subgraph "Snowy"
  SubGraph2Flow(calculation nodes) 

        thinlinc -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        terminal/thinlinc -- usr --> Node1
        terminal -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        Node1 -- usr-sensXXX + 2FA + no VPN ----> SubGraph1Flow
        subgraph "Bianca"
        SubGraph1Flow(Bianca login) -- usr+passwd --> private(private cluster)
        private -- interactive --> calcB(calculation nodes)
        private -- sbatch --> calcB

        subgraph "Rackham"
        Node1[Login] -- interactive --> Node2[calculation nodes]
        Node1 -- sbatch --> Node2

Slurm, sbatch, the job queue

  • Problem: 1000 users, 300 nodes, 5000 cores

  • We need a queue:

    • Slurm is a job scheduler

  • You define jobs to be run on the compute nodes and therefore sent to the queue.


  • Job = what happens during booked time

  • Described in

    • a script file or

    • the command-line (priority over script)

  • The definitions of a job:

    • Slurm parameters (flags)

    • Load software modules

    • (Navigate in file system)

    • Run program(s)

    • (Collect output)

    • … and more

“Some keywords”

  • A program may run serially and then needs only ONE compute thread, which will occupy 1 core, which is a physical unit of the CPU on the node.

    • You should most often just book 1 core. If you require more than 7 GB you can allocate more cores and you will get multiples of 7 GB.

  • A program may run in parallel and then needs either several threads or several tasks, both occupying several cores.

    • If you need all 128 GB RAM (actually 112) or all 16 cores for your job, book a complete node.

Slurm parameters

  • 1 mandatory setting for jobs:

    • Which compute project? (-A)

  • 3 settings you really should set:

    • Type of queue or partition? (-p)

      • core for most jobs and default!

      • node for larger jobs

      • for short development jobs and tests: devcore, devel)

    • How many cores? (-n)

      • up to 16 for core job

    • How long at most? (-t)

  • If in doubt:

    • -p core

    • -n 1

    • -t 10-00:00:00

The queue

  • How does the queue work?

  • Let’s look graphically at jobs presently running.


  • x-axis: cores, one thread per core

  • y-axis: time

  • We see some holes where we may fit jobs already!

  • Let’s see which type of jobs that can fit!


  • 4 one-core jobs can run immediately (or a 4-core wide job).

    • The jobs are too long to fit at core number 9-13.


  • A five-core job has to wait.

    • Too long to fit in cores 9-13 and too wide to fit in the last cores.

  • Easiest to schedule single-threaded, short jobs


  • You don’t see the queue graphically, however.

  • But, overall:

    • short and narrow jobs will start fast

    • test and development jobs can get use of specific development nodes if they are shorter than 1 hour and uses up to two nodes.

    • waste of resources unless you have a parallel program or need all the memory, e.g. 128 GB per node


  • Remember that you are charged CPU-hours according to booked #cores x hours

  • Example 1: 60 hours with 2 cores = 120 CPU-hours

  • Example 2: 12 hours with a full node = 192 hours

    • Waste of resources unless you have a parallel program using all cores or need all the memory, e.g. 128 GB per node


  • Work interactively with your data or develop or test

    • Run an Interactive session

    • $ interactive <flags> ...

  • If you don’t need any live interaction with your workflow/analysis/simulation

    • Send your job to the slurm job batch (sbatch)

    • $ sbatch <flags> <program> or

    • $ sbatch <job script>

flowchart TD
    UPPMAX(What to run on which node?)
    operation_type{What type of operation/calculation?}
    interaction_type{What type of interaction?}
    login_node(Work on login node)
    interactive_node(Work on interactive node)
    calculation_node(Schedule for calculation node)


What kind of compute work are you doing?

  • Compute bound

    • you use mainly CPU power

    • does the software support threads or MPI?

      • Threads/openMP are rather often supported. Use several cores!

      • MPI (Message Passing Interface) allows for inter-node jobs but are seldom supported for bioinformatics software. You could use several nodes!

  • Memory bound

    • if the bottlenecks are allocating memory, copying/duplicating

    • use more cores up to 1 node, perhaps using a “fat” node.

“Slurm Cheat Sheet”

  • -A project number

  • -t wall time

  • -n number of cores

  • -N number of nodes (can only be used if your code is parallelized with MPI)

  • -p partition

    • core is default and works for jobs narrower than 16 cores

    • node can be used if you need the whole node and its memory

Walltime at the different clusters

  • Rackham: 10 days

  • Snowy: 30 days

  • Bianca: 10 days

Interactive jobs

  • Most work is most effective as submitted jobs, but e.g. development needs responsiveness

  • Interactive jobs are high-priority but limited in -n and -t

  • Quickly give you a job and logs you in to the compute node

  • Require same Slurm parameters as other jobs

  • Log in to compute node

    • $ interactive ...

  • Logout with <Ctrl>-D or logout

  • To use an interactive node, in a terminal, type:

interactive -A [project name] -p core -n [number_of_cores] -t [session_duration]

For example:

interactive -A naiss2024-22-49 -p core -n 2 -t 8:0:0

This starts an interactive session using project naiss2024-22-49 that uses 2 cores and has a maximum duration of 8 hours.

Try interactive and run RStudio

  • We recommend using at least two cores for RStudio, and to get those resources, you must start an interactive job.


  • Use ThinLinc

  • Start interactive session on compute node (2 cores)

  • If you already have an interactive session going on use that.

    • If you don’t find it, do

    $ squeue

    • find your session, ssh to it, like:

    $ ssh r483

  • If you have no ongoing session:

$ interactive -A naiss2024-22-49 -p devcore -n 2 -t 60:00

  • Once the interactive job has begun you need to load needed modules, even if you had loaded them before in the login node

  • You can check which node you are on?

    $ hostname

  • Also try:

    $ srun hostname

    • This will give several output lines resembling the number of cores you allocated.

    • How many in this case??

    [bjornc@r483 ~]$

  • Load an RStudio module and an R_packages module (if not loading R you will have to stick with R/3.6.0) and run “rstudio” from there.

    $ ml R_packages/4.2.1

    $ ml RStudio/2022.07.1-554

  • Start rstudio, keeping terminal active (&)

    $ rstudio &

  • Slow to start?

  • Depends on:

    • number of packages

    • if you save a lot of data in your RStudio workspace, to be read during start up.

  • Quit RStudio!

  • Log out from interactive session with <Ctrl>-D or logout or exit

Job scripts (batch)

  • Batch scripts can be written in any scripting language. We will use BASH

  • Make first line be #!/bin/bash in the top line

    • It is good practice to end the line with -l to reload a fresh environment with no modules loaded.

    • This makes you sure that you don’t enable other software or versions that may interfere with what you want to do in the job.

  • Before the job content, add the batch flags starting the lines with the keyword #SBATCH, like:

    • #SBATCH -t 2:00:00

    • #SBATCH -p core

    • #SBATCH -n 3

  • # will be ignored by bash and can run as an ordinary bash script

  • if running the script with the command sbatch <script> the #SBATCH lines will be interpreted as slurm flags

Try batch job


  • Write a bash script called

    • You can be in your ~ folder

  • To make it more efficient Copy-paste the code below.

A simple job script template


#SBATCH -A naiss2024-22-49  # Project ID

#SBATCH -p devcore  # Asking for cores (for test jobs and as opposed to multiple nodes) 

#SBATCH -n 1  # Number of cores

#SBATCH -t 00:10:00  # Ten minutes

#SBATCH -J Template_script  # Name of the job

# go to some directory

cd /proj/naiss2024-22-49/
pwd -P

# load software modules

module load bioinfo-tools
module list

# do something

echo Hello world!  
  • Run it:

    $ sbatch


Do you need more resources?

Do you need more memory than 128 GB or GPU:s?

  • -C mem256GB allocate a fat node with 256 GB RAM

  • -C mem512GB allocate a fat node with 512 GB RAM

  • -C gpu

  • -p node must be used when allocating these nodes

  • GPU example asking for a node, using one GPU and 3 CPU cores. TIP: ask always for more than one hour!

    • interactive -A <proj> -n 3 -C gpu --gres=gpu:1 -t 01:10:00


Some Limits

  • There is a job wall time limit of ten days (240 hours).

  • We restrict each user to at most 5000 running and waiting jobs in total.

  • Each project has a 30 days running allocation of CPU hours.

    • We do not forbid running jobs after the allocation is over-drafted

    • Instead allow to submit jobs with a very low queue priority, so that you may be able to run your jobs anyway, if a sufficient number of nodes happens to be free on the system.

Other Slurm tools

  • squeue — quick info about jobs in queue

  • jobinfo — detailed info about jobs

  • finishedjobinfo — summary of finished jobs

  • jobstats — efficiency of booked resources

    • use eog to watch the png output files

  • bianca_combined_jobinfo

“Slurm Cheat Sheet”

  • -A project number

  • -t wall time

  • -n number of cores

  • -N number of nodes (can only be used if your code is parallelized with MPI)

  • -p partition

    • core is default and works for jobs narrower than 16 cores

    • node can be used if you need the whole node and its memory

      • must be used when allocating the fat nodes, see below

  • -C mem256GB allocate a fat node with 256 GB RAM

  • -C mem512GB allocate a fat node with 512 GB RAM

  • -C gpu

Batch jobs

  • Two alternatives

    • sbatch <jobscript with all #SBATCH options>

    • sbatch <options that will be prioritized over the options within the jobs script> <jobscript>

      • can for instance be used if you just want to test with, for instance, fewer cores and shorter time

      • Example: sbatch -t  60:00 -p devcore -n 2


  • interactive -A <project> <other options if not using default settings>

  • load your modules when session starts


“Why not always use an interactive session?”

“Which approach is best in the following use cases? Batch jobs or interactive sessions?”

  1. Long jobs

  2. Short jobs with interactive “run-time”/interactive user input

  3. Short jobs without interactive “run-time”/interactive user input

  4. Test/debugging/developing code

  5. Playing with and plotting large data