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File transfer to/from Bianca

Learning objectives

  • Find information in the UPPMAX documentation about file transfer on Bianca
  • Give a reasonable definition of what the wharf is
  • Explain well enough why the wharf exists
  • Give a reasonable definition of what the Transit server is
  • Explain well enough what the Transit server allows one to do
  • Mount the wharf on Transit
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using rsync
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using sftp
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using FileZilla
For teachers

Prerequisites are:

  • None

Preparations are:

  • Prepare the three questions for a public polling website such as Menti

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have explored the UPPMAX documentation
  • Learners understand what the wharf is
  • Learners understand that the Transit server serves like a bridge between locations
  • Learners have mounted the wharf on Transit
  • Learners have transferred files to/from Bianca using rsync
  • Learners have transferred files to/from Bianca using sftp
  • Learners have transferred files to/from Bianca using FileZilla

Lesson plan:

  title File tranfer to/from Bianca
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  section First hour
  Course introduction: done, course_intro, 0, 10s
  Prior : intro, after course_intro, 5s
  Present: theory_1, after intro, 5s
  Challenge: crit, exercise_1, after theory_1, 40s
  Break: crit, milestone, after exercise_1
  section Second hour
  Challenge: crit, exercise_2, 0, 10s
  Feedback: feedback_2, after exercise_2, 10s
  SLURM: done, slurm, after feedback_2, 25s
  Break: done, milestone, after slurm

As the video is 11 minutes, I assume around 3x as much time.

Prior questions:

  • What is file transfer?
  • Could you give an example of a file transfer you do in daily life?
  • Does it have consequences that Bianca is a sensitive data cluster?
  • How does one do file transfer on Bianca?

Polls (goal: part of prior and measure actual usage):

My favorite way to transfer files to/from Bianca now is using:

  • FileZilla
  • fuse-sshfs and mounting the wharf
  • lftp
  • rsync
  • scp
  • sftp
  • sshfs and mounting the wharf
  • Rclone
  • WinSCP
  • other

About rsync:

  • I have never followed a lecture on rsync, I don't know what it is
  • I have never heard a lecture on rsync, but I've never gotten it to work
  • I have never heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • I have never heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, and use it
  • I have heard a lecture on rsync, but I've never gotten it to work
  • I have heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • I have heard a lecture on rsync, I have gotten it to work, and use it

About FileZilla:

  • I have never followed a lecture on FileZilla, I don't know what it is
  • I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, but I've never gotten it to work
  • I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • I have never heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, and use it
  • I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, but I've never gotten it to work
  • I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, but don't use it in practice
  • I have heard a lecture on FileZilla, I have gotten it to work, and use it


Most users need to transfer files to/from Bianca, for example, their scripts to analyse their (sensitive) data.

In this session, we will transfer (non-sensitive) files to/from Bianca.


flowchart LR
  classDef low_focus_node stroke-dasharray: 5 5
  subgraph sunet[SUNET]
    subgraph bianca[Bianca]
    transit[transit server\nrsync]
    sftp_server[SFTP server\nFileZilla]
    user[User in SUNET]
    other_users[User on Rackham\nUser on other NAISS clusters]:::low_focus_node
    wharf <--> transit
    wharf <--> sftp_server
    transit --> user
    transit --> other_users
    sftp_server <--> user

As Bianca is a sensitive data cluster, we need to know:

  • wharf: a folder on Bianca that is the only folder one can transfer data to/from
  • Transit: a service that allows one to transfer files between Bianca and other places, such as your local computer, but also other sensitive data clusters.
  • rsync: a tool to transfer files via Transit
  • FileZilla: a tool to transfer files via an SFTP server (whatever that is)


There are many ways to tranfer files to/from Bianca.

In this session, we use:

We will use rsync first, as this is the UPPMAX-recommended way, as it is capable of transferring files of any size efficiently.

FileZilla is easier to use and its guide is easier to go through without an UPPMAX expert.


Exercise 1 and 2 are the most important, as:

  • rsync is the recommended tool
  • it is harder, so do it with an UPPMAX expert around!

Working form

You'll be assigned to Zoom breakout rooms with at least 3 learners in total. The Zoom rooms will be closed automatically at the end and stay open during the break.

Why put us in groups?

Because group work in general is effective for learning (see [1] for a meta-meta analysis). For online courses, group work is a recommended practice [Bigatel & Edel-Malizia, 2018][Means, 1993].

What if I have a question?

Ideally, one asks the people in the breakout room. In that way, the whole room may learn.

Additionally, there is a shared document you can use, you can ask for help via a Zoom function and teachers and teaching assistants will regularly go through all rooms.

Why have a break in between?

Because breaks are important for learning [Newport, 2016]. Please take that break, ideally by doing something boring [Newport, 2016]!

Exercise 1: first understanding of how to use rsync

Learning objectives
  • Explore the UPPMAX documentation
  • Understand what the wharf is
  • Understand what the Transit server allows
  • As a group, agree on how to start, for example to agree to first read the exercises
  • Scan the content of the UPPMAX documentation on how to use rsync to transfer data to/from Bianca
  • Answer the following questions to yourself in your own words (answers are below). Be generous in accepting your own answer. You may share your answer in the course shared document for feedback, but do not wait for feedback. If you have no idea at all, read the linked UPPMAX documentation:

    • What is SUNET?
    • What is ssh? What does it allow us to do?
    • What is wharf? What does it allow us to do?
    • What is rsync?
    • What is transit?
  • What is SUNET?

SUNET is the university networks (yes, plural!).

  • What is ssh? What does it allow us to do?

ssh is an SSH client that allows us to log in to Bianca and Transit

  • What is wharf? What does it allow us to do?

wharf is a folder on Bianca used for file transfer to/from Bianca.

  • What is rsync?

rsync is a command-line tool to transfer files to/from Bianca.

  • What is transit?

transit is an UPPMAX service that can be used to securely transfer files.

Exercise 2: using rsync

Learning objectives
  • Explore the UPPMAX documentation
  • Mount the wharf on Transit
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using rsync

This exercise is quite practical. Therefore, one interruption is scheduled for those that are stuck.

Here is what to do when you get stuck:

  1. Take a look at the YouTube video that can be found at that page until the point where you are stuck, then go back to using the UPPMAX documentation again
  2. Ask your question in the shared document. Raise your hand or contact the teachers in any way. You will be put in a Zoom room and the question in the document will be answered together

Here is the exercise:

  • Follow the step-by-step guide of the UPPMAX documentation on how to use rsync to transfer data to/from Bianca. There are 4 transfers described (file versus folder, upload versus download), do at least 1 upload and 1 download
  • Signal in Zoom that you are done using the Yes (a green checkmark) Reaction (Zoom Reactions are in the lower menu bar of your Zoom session). This helps us assess the optimal length of this session
  • Move to the next optional exercises

(optional) Exercise 3: using sftp

Learning objectives
  • Explore the UPPMAX documentation
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using sftp

(optional) Exercise 4: using FileZilla

Learning objectives
  • Explore the UPPMAX documentation
  • Transfer files to/from Bianca using FileZilla



  • The UPPMAX documentation is quite complete
  • The wharf is the only Bianca folder that has a connection with the outside worlds
  • The Transit server allows to transfer sensitive data between many places
  • One needs to mount a wharf on Transit
  • rsync is the (recommended) command-line tool that can be used to transfer data
  • FileZilla is a graphical tool that can be used to transfer data
What are the full references?
  • [1] See [Hattie, 2023], page 381, effect size 0.45, robustness index 4 out of 5, based on 12 meta analyses, 955 studies, 91,734 learners, 1082 effects, standard error of 0.07
  • [Bell, 2020] Bell, Mike. The fundamentals of teaching: A five-step model to put the research evidence into practice. Routledge, 2020.
  • [Bigatel & Edel-Malizia, 2018] Bigatel, Paula M., and Stephanie Edel-Malizia. "Using the “indicators of engaged learning online” framework to evaluate online course quality." TechTrends 62.1 (2018): 58-70.
  • [Hattie, 2012] Hattie, John. Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. Routledge, 2012.
  • [Hattie, 2023] Hattie, John. Visible learning: The sequel: A synthesis of over 2,100 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge, 2023.
  • [Means, 1993] Means, Barbara. "Using technology to support education reform." (1993).
  • [Newport, 2016] Newport, Cal. Deep work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world. Hachette UK, 2016.