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Using Julia packages on Bianca

UPPMAX Central library


The Julia application at UPPMAX comes with several preinstalled packages. A selection of the Julia packages and libraries installed on UPPMAX are:

  • BenchmarkTools
  • CSV
  • CUDA
  • MPI (needs gcc and openmpi loaded)
  • Distributed
  • IJulia (needs python loaded)
  • Plots
  • PyPlot (needs python loaded)
  • Gadfly
  • DataFrames
  • DistributedArrays
  • PlotlyJS
  • In Julia you can check if the packages are their by: using <package-name>
    • The first time Julia will precompile the package for you!
  • You may control the present "central library" by typing ml help julia/<version> in the BASH shell.
  • A possibly more up-to-date status can be found from the Julia shell:
    using Pkg
    Pkg.activate(DEPOT_PATH[2]*"/environments/v1.8");     #change version (1.8) accordingly if you have another main version of Julia
    Pkg.activate(DEPOT_PATH[1]*"/environments/v1.8");     #to return to user library

First time run on Bianca

You may have to build some package the first time with“<package>”). Since “" is pre-installed centrally on UPPMAX you must activate the central environment by following these steps below. This should only be needed the first time like this

> using Pkg
> Pkg.activate(DEPOT_PATH[2]*"/environments/v1.8");

Install yourself

If you have started Julia once you will get the folders like this in the ~/.julia folder.

   $ tree .julia/ -d -L 1
   ├── artifacts
   ├── bin
   ├── compiled
   ├── conda
   ├── environments
   ├── logs
   ├── packages
   ├── prefs
   ├── registries
   └── scratchspaces

The plan is that what you install on Rackham should be moved here in the same manner

  • Make an installation of the package on Rackham in the Julia package manager
  • Use a transfer method to move the package files to the wharf
    • To be certain to include all files, you may transfer the whole .julia dir. However, that can grow rather big with time.

Transfer to the wharf

sftp sftp bjornc-sens2023531@bianca-sftp
sftp> cd bjornc-sens2023531/
sftp> dir
If you have not uploaded anything to your wharf, this will be empty. It might have a few things in it.

  • Alt1: If you would like all your locally installed packages:

sftp> put -r ~/.julia
- That may take a while since you are sending thousands of files. Consider archiving the .julia directory (a copy) and then tranfer it with the put command.

  • Alt 2: Just transfer the latest installed julia package(s)

    ⚠ The following part still needs some update

  • Check what was installed. It may have been several dependency packages as well. Look at the times!

sftp>  lls -lrt ~/.julia/packages
sftp> put -r ~/.julia/packages/<package name 1>
# and if several packages
sftp> put -r ~/.julia/packages/<package name 2>
# and so on...

Move to site-packages folder On Bianca

cd /proj/sens2023531/nobackup/wharf/bjornc/bjornc-sens2023531/
mv –a  <file(s)> ~/.julia/packages/

If many files or packages

you may want to tar before copying to include all possible symbolic links:

$ tar cfz <package.tar.gz> <package>
and in target directory (wharf_mnt) on Bianca:

$ tar xfz <tarfile.tar.gz> #if there is a tar file!
$ mv –a  <file(s)> .julia/packages/

More info

  • Julia course: isolated environments