Start with coding!

Start code but be aware of reproducibility

Instructor note


  • We will get started with the coding

  • But also…

    • think about dependencies and work in an isolated environment

See also

Discuss in Menti

Computer programs are expected to produce the same output for the same inputs. Is that true for research software?

  • Have been through the opposite?

Create a virtual python environment with venv


There are several ways to make an isolated environment where you get sure what is needed by other users.

  • Conda is one way

  • virtualenv is an external package that has to be installed explicitely

    • uses pip to install within the isolated environment

  • We’ll use venv, which is standard library


  • Start your terminal of choice

    • Terminal in Visual Studio code

    • MAC terminal

    • iTerm (Mac)

    • Git BASH (Windows)

    • WSL (Windows subsystem Linux) environment in

      • MobaxTerm

      • Powershell

    • PowerShell


  • Change working directory to where you have your local git repository

  • We will need the python packages: numpy and matplotlib

  • Let’s create an isolated environment with those packages and based on the python we have installed, like 3.8.X. It is assumed that no-one uses python-2.X.X!

  • In the command-line, create and activate the environment planet-project

$ python -m venv planet-project
$ source planet-project/bin/activate


  • In Windows, like from Git-bash, you activate instead with source planet-project/Scripts/activate

  • Note that your prompt is changing to start with (planet-project) to show that you are within that environment.

  • Now install the packages (leave out package versions so that python-<your-version> can choose by itself what suites)

(planet-project) $ pip install numpy matplotlib  
  • We won’t deactivate the project environment now but for later, simply type deactivate in the console.

    • That’s a good practice

Create a first version of the python code


  • Make a code directory for our python scripts (inside the git repo/directory)

  • Make a Figures directory (note captial F) for output figures

  • cd into the code directory

  • Use you favorite editor and create the file

  • Use the linear code below.

    • It plots the approximate orbit of earth with some eccentricity, and the distance to the sun during 2 years.

    • Later we will add Jupiter and make the program more modular!

  • IF you want to, you can try to run it from the terminal. Run from code directory.

$ python
  • The figure can be viewed in the Figure directory


Staging files

As mentioned above, in Git you can always check the status of files in your repository using git status. It is always a safe command to run and in general a good idea to do when you are trying to figure out what to do next:


On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

The two files are untracked in the repository (directory). You want to add the files (focus the camera) to the list of files tracked by Git. Git does not track any files automatically and you need make a conscious decision to add a file. Let’s do what Git hints at and add the files:

$ git add .    # < -- "." means all files
$ git status

On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

        new file:   activity.puml
        new file:   class.puml

Now this change is staged and ready to be committed.



Let us now commit the change to the repository:

$ git commit -m "adding class and activity diagrams"

[master (root-commit) 8adee34] adding class and activity diagrams
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 activity.puml
 create mode 100644 class.puml

Right after we query the status to get this useful command into our muscle memory:

$ git status

On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

What does the -m flag mean? Let us check the help page for that command:

$ git help commit
  • You should see a very long help page as the tool is very versatile (press q to quit).

  • Do not worry about this now but keep in mind that you can always read the help files when in doubt.

  • Searching online can also be useful, but choosing search terms to find relevant information takes some practice and discussions in some online threads may be confusing.

  • Note that help pages also work when you don’t have a network connection!

Make the code a part of the git record


Make your code part of git

  • Check the status.

  • Add all files (.) to staging

   git status   
   git add .
  • Check the status.

  • The output should show the new changes since your work on GitHub

   git status
  • Commit with the message “First commit of code”

   git commit -m "First commit of code"
  • Check the status

  • The output should show “Nothing to commit

   git status

Parts to be covered

  • ☑ Planning

    • Pseudocode

    • Unified Modelling Language

  • ☐ Testing

    • We don’t do this today!

  • ☑ Source/version control

    • We have a starting point with code

  • ☑ Collaboration

    • GitHub

      • We have a starting point!

  • ☑ Sharing

    • ☑ open science

    • ☐ citation

    • ☑ licensing

  • ☐ Documentation


  • Comments should describe the why for your code not the what.

  • Writing docstrings is an easy way to write documentation while you type code.