


  • Have you downloaded programs/tools from GitHub?

  • Have you uploaded your own programs/tools and believe that people are using your tool?


  • We will give an overview GitHub

    • centralized collaboration

    • Forked collaboration

    • How to contribute

  • You will test this more later this week so we won’t get deep

Instructor note

Different types of remotes

  • If you have a server you can ssh to, you can use that as a remote.

  • GitHub is a popular, closed-source commercial site.

  • GitLab is a popular, open-core commercial site. Many universities have their own private GitLab servers set up.

  • Bitbucket is yet another popular commercial site.

  • Another option is NotABug


There are two more ways to create “copies” of repositories into your user space:

  • A repository can be marked as template and new repositories can be generated from it, like using a cookie-cutter. The newly created repository will start with a new history, only one commit, and not inherit the history of the template.

  • You can import a repository from another hosting service or web address. This will preserve the history of the imported project.


Commits, branches, repositories, forks, clones

  • repository: The project, contains all data and history (commits, branches, tags).

  • commit: Snapshot of the project, gets a unique identifier (e.g. c7f0e8bfc718be04525847fc7ac237f470add76e).

  • branch: Independent development line, often we call the main development line master or main.

  • tag: A pointer to one commit, to be able to refer to it later. Like a commemorative plaque that you attach to a particular commit (e.g. phd-printed or paper-submitted).

  • cloning: Copying the whole repository to your laptop - the first time.

    • It is not necessary to download each file one by one.

    • good within a group

  • forking: Taking a copy of a repository (which is typically not yours)

    • your copy (fork) stays on GitHub and you can make changes to your copy.

    • better for contribution to other’s project

  • git clone copies everything: all commits and all branches.

  • Branches on the remote appear as (read-only) local branches with a prefix, e.g. origin/master.

  • We synchronize commits between local and remote with git fetch/git pull and git push.

  • Repositories that are shared online often synchronize via pull requests or merge requests.

  • Repositories that are forked or cloned do not automatically synchronize themselves.

Centralized workflow

Centralized layout

Centralized layout

  • Red is the repository on GitHub.

  • Blue is where all contributors work on their own computers.

  • Centralized workflow is often used for remote collaborative work.

  • origin refers to where you cloned from (but you can relocate it).

  • origin/mybranch is a read-only pointer to branch mybranch on origin.

  • These read-only pointers only move when you git fetch/git pull or git push.

Distributed version control and Forking workflow

Centralized layout

Forking workflow

  • Red is the central repository, where only owners have access.

  • Green are forks on GitHub (copy for a single user to work on).

  • Blue are local copies where contributors work on their own computer.

In the forking layout described above we work with multiple remotes, in this case two remotes: One remote refers to the “central” repository, and the other remote refers to the “fork”.

  • Working with multiple remotes is not as scary as it might look.

  • origin is just an alias/placeholder.

  • We can add and remove remotes.

  • We can call these aliases/placeholders as we like.

  • We typically synchronize/updates remotes via the local clone.

  • To see all remotes use git remote -v.

  • If you are more than one person contributing to a project, consider using code review.

How to contribute changes to somebody else’s project

  • Avoid frustration and surprises by first discussing and then coding.

Contributing very minor changes

  • Fork repository

  • Create a branch (e.g. with your name)

  • Commit and push change

  • File a pull request or merge request

If you observe an issue and have an idea how to fix it

  • Open an issue in the repository you wish to contribute to

  • Describe the problem

  • If you have a suggestion on how to fix it, describe your suggestion

  • Possibly discuss and get feedback

  • If you are working on the fix, indicate it in the issue so that others know that somebody is working on it and who is working on it

  • Submit your fix as pull request or merge request which references/closes the issue

(Optional) Add to someone else’s project

You can from the breakout room group decide on some collaboration if you want to!

  • Make issue and pull requests

  • Remember that we were not happy with the results

  • Can we easily add one or more planets?

  • The importance of each planet should be determined by the distance and the mass of it.

    • The acceleration effect should proportional with MASS/distance^2

    • That means that we can ignore small planets and/or far away planets

  • Below, see a first sorted out table of mass of the planets and their approximate shortest distance to Earth.


Mass (relative to Earth)

Mean distance to sun (AU)

Shortest distance to earth (AU)

















  • Adding a planet should be pretty straight-forward in our modular code!

  • For ideas view Code Refinery’s Centralized workflow

See also

You will work more with Git and GitHub and collaborate the other days of the week.

Parts to be covered

  • ☑ Planning

    • Pseudocode

    • Unified Modelling Language

  • ☐ Testing

    • We don’t do this today!

  • ☑ Source/version control

    • git history

    • git branches

  • ☑ Collaboration

    • GitHub

      • We have a starting point!

    • Some overview of collaboration

  • ☑ Sharing

    • ☑ open science

    • ☑ citation

    • ☑ licensing

    • ☑ reproducible

  • ☑ Documentation

    • docstrings

    • README


  • Communicate and discuss before coding massive changes.

  • Cross-reference discussions, proposals, and code changes.