The iterations and Git


  • Why should you use source/version control?

Have you used Git (locally) in your own work?

Answer in Menti


  • We will

    • work with the basic commands in git

    • go through branching and merging


  • We will cover the most basic things with Git such that you can use it this week.

  • For deeper understanding and hands-on on branching etcetera, please confer the course material of NBIS and CodeRefinery.

Start with pushing your changes in the local Git to GitHub

 $ git push

You should now see something like:

Enumerating objects: 7, done.
Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 846 bytes | 846.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done.
 * [new branch]      main -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.

Reload your GitHub project website and - taa-daa - your commits should now be online!

What just happened? Think of publishing a repository as uploading the .git part online.

Alternative way to initialize Git

Make the next iteration of the planet project

Type-along: Add Jupiter

  • We will add some lines to count with the effects from the gravity of Jupiter on Earth

  • Do not run because we changed from 2 years simulation time to 5000 years!

  • The output should look like this at least.

  • Do not stage (add) yet!


  • That’s long code!

  • Perhaps make modular?

  • The orbits seems too elliptic in the plot. The axes should be equal!

  • Let’s look at that in the next iteration!

git diff


  • When you are done editing the files, try git diff:

  $ git diff
  • You can use arrows or enter to scroll the output and quit with q.

  • You will see some thing like this.

Stage and commit the changes


  • Now first stage and then commit (what happens when we leave out the -m flag?):

  $ git add     # <-- we can state exactly which file to stage as well
  $ git commit                   # <-- we have left out -m "..."

When you leave out the -m flag, Git should open an editor where you can edit your commit message. This message will be associated and stored with the changes you made. This message is your chance to explain what you’ve done and convince others (and your future self) that the changes you made were justified. Write a message (like added Jupiter and save and close the file.

When you are done committing the changes, experiment with these commands:

$ git log
$ git log --stat
$ git log --oneline

Ignoring files and paths with .gitignore

Compiled and generated files are not committed to version control. There are many reasons for this:

  • Your code could be run on different platforms.

  • These files are automatically generated and thus do not contribute in any meaningful way.

  • The number of changes to track per source code change can increase quickly.

  • When tracking generated files you could see differences in the code although you haven’t touched the code.

For this we use .gitignore files. Read more

  • Not important for our project right now.

  • But, we should had omitted the virtual environment, i.e. the directory planet-project.

Branching and merging

Software development is often not linear:

  • We typically need at least one version of the code to “work” (to compile, to give expected results, …).

  • At the same time we work on new features, often several features concurrently. Often they are unfinished.

  • We need to be able to separate different lines of work really well.

Isolated tracks

Isolated tracks of work.

The strength of version control is that it permits the researcher to isolate different tracks of work, which can later be merged to create a composite version that contains all changes.

  • We see branching points and merging points.

  • Main line development is often called master or main.

  • Other than this convention there is nothing special about master or main, it is just a branch.

  • Commits form a directed acyclic graph (we have left out the arrows to avoid confusion about the time arrow).

A group of commits that create a single narrative are called a branch. There are different branching strategies, but it is useful to think that a branch tells the story of a feature, e.g. “fast sequence extraction” or “Python interface” or “fixing bug in matrix inversion algorithm”.

Typical workflows

One typical workflow:

$ git checkout -b new-feature  # create branch, switch to it
$ git commit                   # work, work, work, ..., and test
$ git checkout master          # once feature is ready, switch to master
$ git merge new-feature        # merge work to master
$ git branch -d new-feature    # remove branch

Let’s make our code modular (test in branch)

Make four modules (10-15 minutes in BO)

  • First make a branch called modularity and go to that branch

$ git checkout -b modularity    # create branch, switch to it
$ git branch                    # check that we are on the new branch
  • We can now do our changes

  • We will make four files

    •, containing an overview e.g. the main program

    •, containing general constants, and planetary parameters

    •, containing the equation of motion for the planets

    •, containing eccentricity calculations and a plot function

  • add and commit, possibly several times



Back in main branch

  • We spotted some unnecessary print lines in the main branch code.

  • Go to the main branch:

git checkout main
  • Let’s remove the two print lines around row 80 in the second for-loop.

  • add and commit

git add
git commit -m "rm print"  
  • We can now check the history with a command that graphically tries to show the log with branches


An important alias

We will now define an alias in Git, to be able to nicely visualize branch structure in the terminal without having to remember a long Git command.

$ git config --global alias.graph "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"

This will enable you to use git graph for short

  • It will give you something like this:

$ git graph
* 413d0e3 (HEAD -> master) rm printing output
| * fc007d4 (modular) modular code
* 5434395 add Jupiter
* f3c1fb5


  • It turned out that our experiment with modularity was a good idea.

  • Our goal now is to merge modularity into main.

Isolated tracks

Isolated tracks of work.

Merge into main

  • once all features are ready, switch to main

$ git checkout main    # switch to main branch
$ git branch           # check that we are on main branch
$ git merge  modularity          # merge modularity into main
  • let’s now check the graphical view:

$ git graph
*   dc3f83f (HEAD -> main) modular
| * fc007d4 (modularity) modular code
* | 413d0e3 rm printing output
* 5434395 add Jupiter
* f3c1fb5

  • push to GitHub

  • git push


  • Now we know how to save snapshots:

$ git add <file(s)>
$ git commit
  • And that is what we do as we program.

  • Other very useful commands are these:

$ git init    # initialize new repository
$ git add     # add files or stage file(s)
$ git commit  # commit staged file(s)
$ git status  # see what is going on
$ git log     # see history
$ git diff    # show unstaged/uncommitted modifications
$ git show    # show the change for a specific commit
$ git mv      # move tracked files
$ git rm      # remove tracked files
$ git checkout -b wild-idea    # create branch, switch to it, work, work, work ...
$ git checkout main          # realize it was a bad idea, back to main/master
$ git branch -D wild-idea      # it is gone, off to a new idea
$ git merge 

Overview workflow


Parts to be covered

  • ☑ Planning

    • Pseudocode

    • Unified Modelling Language

  • ☐ Testing

    • We don’t do this today!

  • ☑ Source/version control

    • We have a starting point with code

    • git history

    • git branches

    • GitHub as remote backup

  • ☐ Collaboration

    • GitHub

  • ☑ Sharing

    • ☑ open science

    • ☐ citation

    • ☑ licensing

  • ☐ Documentation

    • docstrings should actually be implemented directly!!

      • we save that now for next sesson


  • Initializing a Git repository is simple: git init.

  • Commits should be used to tell a story.

  • Git uses the .git folder to store the snapshots.

  • Don’t be afraid to stage and commit often. Better too often than not often enough.

  • A branch is a division unit of work, to be merged with other units of work.

  • A tag is a pointer to a moment in the history of a project.

  • A repository can have one or multiple remotes (we will revisit these later).

  • Local branches often track remote branches.

  • A remote serves as a full backup of your work.