More about documentation

reStructuredText and Markdown

  • Two of the most popular lightweight markup languages.

  • reStructuredText (RST) has more features than Markdown but the choice is a matter of taste.

  • Markdown convenient for smaller documents, but for larger and more complicated documents RST may be a better option.

  • There are (unfortunately) many flavors of Markdown.

# This is a section in Markdown   This is a section in RST

## This is a subsection           This is a subsection

Nothing special needed for        Nothing special needed for
a normal paragraph.               a normal paragraph.


    This is a code block          This is a code block

**Bold** and *emphasized*.        **Bold** and *emphasized*.

A list:                           A list:
- this is an item                 - this is an item
- another item                    - another item

There is more: images,            There is more: images,
tables, links, ...                tables, links, ...

Experiment with Markdown:

To convert between MD and RST (and many other formats):

HTML static site generators

There are many tools that can turn RST or Markdown into beautiful HTML pages:

  • Sphinx ← we will exercise this, this is how this lesson material is built

    • Generate HTML/PDF/LaTeX from RST and Markdown.

    • Basically all Python projects use Sphinx but Sphinx is not limited to Python

    • Read the docs hosts public Sphinx documentation for free!

    • Also hostable anywhere else, like Github pages. **← this is what we use for this lesson

    • API documentation possible

  • Jekyll

    • Generates HTML from Markdown.

    • GitHub supports this without adding extra build steps.

  • pkgdown

    • Popular in the R community

  • MkDocs

  • GitBook

  • Hugo

  • Hexo

  • Zola ← this is what CodeRefinery use for their project website and workshop websites

There are many more …


GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket make it possible to serve HTML pages:

Github pages

  • Easiest. everything is local to GitHub

  • This lesson material

Read the Docs

  • Somewhat more possibilities, like having several versions of documentation to switch between.

  • Example


  • Popular solutions (but many others exist):

  • Advantage

    • Barrier to write and edit is low

  • Disadvantages

    • Typically disconnected from source code repository (reproducibility)

    • Difficult to serve multiple versions

    • Difficult to check out a specific old version

    • Typically needs to be hosted and maintained

Other generators


  • Advantage

    • Popular and familiar in the physics and mathematics community

  • Disadvantages

    • PDF format is not ideal for copy-paste ability of examples

    • Possible, but not trivial to automate rebuilding documentation after every Git push

Doxygen (C, C++, Java etc…)

  • Auto-generates API documentation

  • Documented directly in the source code see Doxygen Github Repo

  • Can be deployed to GiHub/GitLab/Bitbucket Pages

For Fortran

For Julia

For Markdown

  • Quarto converts markdown to websites, pdfs, eBooks and many other things

Demo These pages

Demo: Git repo - Sphinx - GitHub - GitHub Actions - GH-pages

  • We will go behind the scenes of this documentation.

  • You can do this checkout whenever you want.

The basic steps are: (also presented here

  • Start locally in repo with name describing the project

  • You can generate Sphinx documentation in an existing code project (may be a git repo)

  • Install python package: sphinx

  • sphinx-quickstart to generate directories and files

  • index.rst is first page and includes the Table of contents (TOC) to be seen in a menu and the *.md and/or *.rst files to make up your web pages.

  • config.pycontains configurations like Sphinx extensions. (these python packages may have to be installed as well)

  • You can build locally and view results in a web browser

To use GH-pages

  • push to the GitHub remote and continue working from there.

  • Add the GitHub Action

  • Create a new file at .github/workflows/documentation.yaml

  • Enable GitHub Pages:

    • Go to<username>/<repo>/settings/pages

    • In the “Source” section, choose “gh-pages” in the dropdown menu and click save

  • That’s it! Your site should now be live on

Every time you commit the GH Actions will render your source code to html and deploy it to your new web page!

Read more




  • Think that everything is worth to be part of documentation (like Github directory tree)

  • Document in code, answering why, not how.

  • Make a README.txt for an overview of the software. Make use of Markdown on Github for easier formatting. It should include:

    • Overview

    • How to install and setup

    • Quick setup

    • Licensing and how to cite

  • Documentation should be tracked with the corresponding code in the same repository.

  • Full documentation or tutorial

    • Make use of Sphinx or MkDocs to render standard markup languages like markdown or reStructuredText to HTML.

  • Deploy wat GH-pages or ReadTheDocs or other.