Exercises and demos



  1. Installing seaborn. Using existing modules for numpy (in SciPy-bundle), matplotlib, and the vpyenv we created under Python 3.9.5. Note that you need to load Python again if you have been logged out, etc. but the virtual environment remains, of course

Using the vpyenv created earlier and the spacy we installed under example 1) above.


Now for the examples:

Batch mode

Serial code

Serial code + self-installed package in virt. env.

GPU code

The recommended TensorFlow version for this course is 2.7.1 on Kebnekaise. The module is compatible with Python 3.9.6 (automatically loaded when you load TensorFlow and its other prerequisites).

Machine Learning

This is an example of a batch script for running the above example, using PyTorch 1.10.0 and Python 3.9.5, running on GPUs.


The example comes from https://machinelearningmastery.com/tensorflow-tutorial-deep-learning-with-tf-keras/ but there are also good examples at https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials

We are using Tensorflow 2.7.1 and Python 3.9.6. Since there is no scikit-learn for these versions, we have to install that too:

We can now use scikit-learn in our example.

In order to run the above example, we will create a batch script and submit it.

Submit with sbatch <myjobscript.sh>. After submitting you will (as usual) be given the job-id for your job. You can check on the progress of your job with squeue -u <username> or scontrol show <job-id>.

The output and errors will in this case be written to slurm-<job-id>.out.


You almost always want to run several iterations of your machine learning code with changed parameters and/or added layers. If you are doing this in a batch job, it is easiest to either make a batch script that submits several variations of your Python script (changed parameters, changed layers), or make a script that loops over and submits jobs with the changes.

Running several jobs from within one job

This example shows how you would run several programs or variations of programs sequentially within the same job:


Numba is installed as a module at HPC2N, but not in a version compatible with the Python we are using in this course (3.10.4), so we will have to install it ourselves. The process is the same as in the examples given for the isolated/virtual environment, and we will be using the virtual environment created earlier here. We also need numpy, so we are loading SciPy-bundle as we have done before:

As before, we need a batch script to run the code. There are no GPUs on the login node.

As before, submit with sbatch add-list.sh (assuming you called the batch script thus - change to fit your own naming style).

Numba example 2

An initial implementation of the 2D integration problem with the CUDA support for Numba could be as follows:

The time for executing the kernel and doing some postprocessing to the outputs (copying the C array and doing a reduction) was 4.35 sec. which is a much smaller value than the time for the serial numba code of 152 sec.

Notice the larger size of the grid in the present case (100*1024) compared to the serial case’s size we used previously (10000). Large computations are necessary on the GPUs to get the benefits of this architecture.

One can take advantage of the shared memory in a thread block to write faster code. Here, we wrote the 2D integration example from the previous section where threads in a block write on a shared[] array. Then, this array is reduced (values added) and the output is collected in the array C. The entire code is here:

We need a batch script to run this Python code, an example script is here:

#SBATCH -A project_ID
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH -n 28
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out   # output file
#SBATCH -e error_%j.err    # error messages
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:k80:2
#SBATCH --exclusive

ml purge > /dev/null 2>&1
ml GCCcore/11.2.0 Python/3.9.6
ml GCC/11.2.0 OpenMPI/4.1.1
ml CUDA/11.7.0

virtualenv --system-site-packages /proj/nobackup/<your-project-storage>/vpyenv-python-course
source /proj/nobackup/<your-project-storage>/vpyenv-python-course/bin/activate

python integration2d_gpu.py

The simulation time for this problem’s size was 1.87 sec.


Run the first serial example from further up on the page for this short Python code (sum-2args.py)

import sys

x = int(sys.argv[1])
y = int(sys.argv[2])

sum = x + y

print("The sum of the two numbers is: {0}".format(sum))

Remember to give the two arguments to the program in the batch script.