
Welcome page and syllabus
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Learning outcomes

  • Load Python modules and site-installed Python packages

  • Create a virtual environment

  • Install Python packages with pip (Kebnekaise, Rackham, Snowy, Cosmos)

  • Write a batch script for running Python

  • Use the compute nodes interactively

  • Use Python in parallel

  • Use Python for ML

  • Use GPUs with Python

What is python?

As you probably already know…

  • “Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax.

  • It has modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing.

  • There are interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems. …“

In particular, what sets Python apart from other languages is its fantastic open-source ecosystem for scientific computing and machine learning with libraries like NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn and Pytorch.

Material for improving your programming skills

First level

The Carpentries teaches basic lab skills for research computing.

General introduction to Python by UPPMAX at

Second level

Other course/workhops given by NAISS HPC centres:

CodeRefinery develops and maintains training material on software best practices for researchers that already write code. Their material addresses all academic disciplines and tries to be as programming language-independent as possible.

Aalto Scientific Computing

Third level

ENCCS (EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden) is a national centre that supports industry, public administration and academia accessing and using European supercomputers. They give higher-level training of programming and specific software.

Documentations at other NAISS centres

See also


Project ID and storage directory

    • Project ID: naiss2024-22-1442

    • Storage directory: /proj/hpc-python-fall

  • HPC2N:
    • Project ID: hpc2n2024-142

    • Storage directory: /proj/nobackup/hpc-python-fall-hpc2n

    • Project ID: lu2024-2-88

    • Storage directory: /lunarc/nobackup/projects/lu2024-17-44

  • NSC:
    • Project ID: naiss2024-22-1493

    • Storage directory: /proj/hpc-python-fall-nsc

Login to the center you have an account at, go to the storage directory, and create a directory below it for you to work in. You can call this directory what you want, but your username is a good option.


Course material

  • You can get the course material, including exercises, from the course repository on GitHub. You can either (on of these):
    • Clone it: git clone

    • Download the zip file and unzip it:
      • wget

      • unzip

  • You should do either of the above from your space under the course directory on the HPC center of your choice.


We will:

  • teach you how to navigate the module system at HPC2N, UPPMAX, LUNARC, and NSC

  • show you how to find out which versions of Python and packages are installed

  • look at the package handler pip

  • explain how to create and use virtual environments

  • show you how to run batch jobs

  • show some examples with parallel computing and using GPUs

  • guide you in how to start Python tools for Machine Learning