Big data with Python

“Learning outcomes”

Learners can

  • allocate resources sufficient to data size

  • decide on useful file formats

  • use data-chunking as technique

To cover

  • File format

  • Methods
    • RAM allocation

    • chunking

Files formats

Types of scientific data

Bit and Byte

  • The smallest building block of storage in the computer is a bit, which stores either a 0 or 1.

  • Normally a number of 8 bits are combined in a group to make a byte.

  • One byte (8 bits) can represent/hold at most 2^8 distinct values. Organising bytes in different ways can represent different types of information, i.e. data.

Text data

  • DataTypes
    • 8-bit: char

Data and storage format

In real scientific applications, data is complex and structured and usually contains both numerical and text data. Here we list a few of the data and file storage formats commonly used.

Tabular data

  • A very common type of data is “tabular data”.

  • Tabular data is structured into rows and columns.

  • Each column usually has a name and a specific data type while each row is a distinct sample which provides data according to each column (including missing values).

  • The simplest and most common way to save tabular data is via the so-called CSV (comma-separated values) file.

Gridded data

  • Gridded data is another very common data type in which numerical data is normally saved in a multi-dimensional rectangular grid. Most probably it is saved in one of the following formats:

CSV (comma-separated values)

Best use cases: Sharing data. Small data. Data that needs to be human-readable.

  • Key features

    Type: Text format Packages needed: NumPy, Pandas Space efficiency: Bad Good for sharing/archival: Yes

HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)

  • HDF5 is a high performance storage format for storing large amounts of data in multiple datasets in a single file.

  • It is especially popular in fields where you need to store big multidimensional arrays such as physical sciences.

  • Best use cases: Working with big datasets in array data format.

  • Key features

    • Type: Binary format

    • Packages needed: Pandas, PyTables, h5py

    • Space efficiency: Good for numeric data.

    • Good for sharing/archival: Yes, if datasets are named well.

NETCDF4 (Network Common Data Form version 4)

  • NetCDF4 is a data format that uses HDF5 as its file format, but it has standardized structure of datasets and metadata related to these datasets.

  • This makes it possible to be read from various different programs.

    Best use cases: Working with big datasets in array data format. Especially useful if the dataset contains spatial or temporal dimensions. Archiving or sharing those datasets.

  • Key features

    • Type: Binary format

    • Packages needed: Pandas, netCDF4/h5netcdf, xarray

    • Space efficiency: Good for numeric data.

    • Good for sharing/archival: Yes.


  • Xarray is a Python package that builds on NumPy but adds labels to multi-dimensional arrays.

  • It also borrows heavily from the Pandas package for labelled tabular data and integrates tightly with dask for parallel computing.

  • Xarray is particularly tailored to working with NetCDF files.

  • It reads and writes to NetCDF file using
    • open_dataset() function

    • open_dataarray() function

    • to_netcdf() method.

  • Explore these in the exercise below!

See also

  • ENCCS course “HPDA-Python”: Scientific data

  • Aalto Scientific Computing course “Python for Scientific Computing”: Xarray

Allocating RAM


  • Allocate many cores or a full node!

  • You do not have to explicitely run threads or other parallelism.

  • Note that shared memory among the cores works within node only

  • Choose, if necessary a node with more RAM
    • See local HPC center documentation in how to do so!



How to use more resources than available!!


Dask is very popular for data analysis and is used by a number of high-level Python libraries:

  • Dask-ML scales Scikit-Learn

  • Dask is composed of two parts:

    • Dynamic task scheduling optimized for computation. Similar to other workflow management systems, but optimized for interactive computational workloads.

    • “Big Data” collections like parallel arrays, dataframes, and lists that extend common interfaces like NumPy, Pandas, or Python iterators to larger-than-memory or distributed environments. These parallel collections run on top of dynamic task schedulers.

Dask Collections

  • Dask provides dynamic parallel task scheduling and three main high-level collections:

Dask Arrays

  • A Dask array looks and feels a lot like a NumPy array.

  • However, a Dask array uses the so-called “lazy” execution mode, which allows one to
    • build up complex, large calculations symbolically

    • before turning them over the scheduler for execution.

  • Dask divides arrays into many small pieces (chunks), as small as necessary to fit it into memory.

  • Operations are delayed (lazy computing) e.g. tasks are queue and no computation is performed until you actually ask values to be computed (for instance print mean values).

  • Then data is loaded into memory and computation proceeds in a streaming fashion, block-by-block.

Example from

# Arrays implement the Numpy API
import dask.array as da
x = da.random.random(size=(10000, 10000),
                     chunks=(1000, 1000))
x + x.T - x.mean(axis=0)
# It runs using multiple threads on your machine.
# It could also be distributed to multiple machines


Load and run


You should for this session load

ml GCC/12.3.0 Python/3.11.3 SciPy-bundle/2023.07 matplotlib/3.7.2 Tkinter/3.11.3
  • And install dask & xarray to ~/.local/ if you don’t already have it

pip install xarray dask


You can do thes in the Python command line or in Jupyter.

Use Xarray to work with NetCDF files

This exercise is derived from Xarray Tutorials, which is distributed under an Apache-2.0 License.

First create an Xarray dataset:

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

ds1 = xr.Dataset(
        "a": (("x", "y"), np.random.randn(4, 2)),
        "b": (("z", "x"), np.random.randn(6, 4)),
        "x": np.arange(4),
        "y": np.arange(-2, 0),
        "z": np.arange(-3, 3),
ds2 = xr.Dataset(
        "a": (("x", "y"), np.random.randn(7, 3)),
        "b": (("z", "x"), np.random.randn(2, 7)),
        "x": np.arange(6, 13),
        "y": np.arange(3),
        "z": np.arange(3, 5),

Then write the datasets to disk using to_netcdf() method:


You can read an individual file from disk by using open_dataset() method:

ds3 = xr.open_dataset("")

or using the load_dataset() method:

ds4 = xr.load_dataset('')


  • Explore the hierarchical structure of the ds1 and ds2 datasets in a Jupyter notebook by typing the variable names in a code cell and execute. Click the disk-looking objects on the right to expand the fields.

  • Explore ds3 and ds4 datasets, and compare them with ds1. What are the differences?

Chunk size

The following example calculate the mean value of a random generated array. Run the example and see the performance improvement by using dask.

import numpy as np
x = np.random.random((20000, 20000))
y = x.mean(axis=0)

But what happens if we use different chunk sizes? Try out with different chunk sizes:

  • What happens if the dask chunks=(20000,20000)

  • What happens if the dask chunks=(250,250)


  • Dask uses lazy execution

  • Only use Dask for processing very large amount of data