
R packages

  • R packages is the main way of extending the functionallity of R and broadens the use of R to almost infinity!

  • Instead of writing code yourself there may be others that have done the same!

  • Many scientific tools are distributed as R packages, making it possible to run a script in the prompt and there define files to be analysed and arguments defining exactly what to do.

  • For more details about packages and in particular developing your own, see: R packages


  • What is an R package?

  • How do I find which packages and versions are available?

  • What to do if I need other packages?

  • Are there differences between HPC2N and UPPMAX?


  • Understand the basics of what an R package is

  • Show how to check for R packages

  • show how to install own packages on the different clusters

R packages: A short Primer

What is a package, really?

An R package is essentially a contained folder and file structure containing R code (and possibly C/C++ or other code) and other files relevant for the package e.g. documentation(vignettes), licensing and configuration files. Let us look at a very simple example

$ git clone

$ cd R_example

$ tree
├── R
│   └── hello.R
├── man
│   └── hello.Rd
└── r_example.Rproj

Package states

An R packages can exist in five possible states

  • Source: “source code” or “source files”. Development form.

  • Bundled: The source code compressed into a single file, usually tar.gz and sometimes referred to as “source tarballs”. Files in .Rbuildignore are excluded.

  • Binary: A compressed and pre-compiled version of a bundle built for a specific architecture. Usually how the package is provided by CRAN. Much faster than having to compile yourself and no need for dev/build tools.

  • Installed: A decompressed binary package located in a package _library_ (more on this later).

  • In-memory: When the installed package has been loaded from the library into memory, using require(pkg) or library(pkg).


Package libraries

In R, a library is a directory containing installed packages, sort of like a library for books. Unfortunately, in the R world, you will frequently encounter confused usage of the words “library” and “package”. It’s common for someone to refer to dplyr, for example, as a library when it is actually a package (Wickham & Hadley, 2023).

We might want to know where the R interpreter will be searching for packages, i.e. where the libraries are located (could be several). The easiest way to check is probably starting the interpreter and running the libPaths() function.

Load R, e.g. version 4.1.1 and start the Interpreter

$ ml R/4.1.1
$ R

Then check find the path of the library using the libPaths() function.

> .libPaths()
[1] "/sw/apps/R/4.1.1/rackham/lib64/R/library"

Preinstalled package libraries

Both UPPMAX and HPC2N offer a large amount of preinstalled packages.


  • On HPC2N most of these (around 750 packages) come with the R module and additional ones in the R-bundle-Bioconductor.

  • NOTE: that on HPC2N, there are currently only two versions of the R-bundle-Bioconductor module, one that is compatible with R/4.0.0 and one with R/4.1.2. Thus, if you need the extra packages included in the R-bundle-Bioconductor module, you should use one of the compatible R versions. Use module spider <module>/<version> to check for prerequisites, as usual.


On UPPMAX the module R_packages is a package library containing almost all packages in the CRAN and BioConductor repositories. As of 2023-10-11 there are a total of:

  • A total of 23476 R packages are installed

  • A total of 23535 packages are available in CRAN and BioConductor

    • 19809 CRAN packages are installed, out of 19976 available

    • 3544 BioConductor-specific packages are installed, out of 3559 available

  • 121 other R packages are installed. These are not in CRAN/BioConductor, are only available in the CRAN/BioConductor archives, or are hosted on github, gitlab or elsewhere

There are many different ways to check if the package you are after is already installed - chances are it is! The simplest way is probably to simply try loading the package from within R


Another option would be to create a dataframe of all the installed packages

ip <-[,c(1,3:4)])

rownames(ip) <- NULL

ip <- ip[$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]

print(ip, row.names=FALSE)

However, this might not be so helpful unless you do additional filtering. <br> Another simple option is to grep the library directory. For example, both when loading R_packages at UPPMAX and R-bundle-Bioconductor at HPC2N the environment variable R_LIBS_SITE will be set to the path of the package library.

Load R_packages

$ ml R_packages/4.1.1

Then grep for some package

$ ls -l $R_LIBS_SITE | grep glmnet
dr-xr-sr-x  9 douglas sw  4096 Sep  6  2021 EBglmnet
dr-xr-sr-x 11 douglas sw  4096 Nov 11  2021 glmnet
dr-xr-sr-x  8 douglas sw  4096 Sep  7  2021 glmnetcr
dr-xr-sr-x  7 douglas sw  4096 Sep  7  2021 glmnetUtils

Installing your own packages

Sometimes you will need R packages that are not already installed. The solution to this is to install your own packages. These packages will usually come from CRAN ( - the Comprehensive R Archive Network, or sometimes from other places, like GitHub or R-Forge

Here we will look at installing R packages with automatic download and with manual download. It is also possible to install from inside Rstudio.


We need to create a place for the own-installed packages to be and to tell R where to find them. The initial setup only needs to be done once, but separate package directories need to be created for each R version used.

R reads the $HOME/.Renviron file to setup its environment. It should be created by R on first run, or you can create it with the command: touch $HOME/.Renviron

NOTE: In this example we are going to assume you have chosen to place the R packages in a directory under your home directory, but in general it might be good to use the project storage for space reasons. As mentioned, you will need separate ones for each R version.

If you have not yet installed any packages to R yourself, the environment file should be empty and you can update it like this:

$ echo R_LIBS_USER="$HOME/R-packages-%V" > ~/.Renviron


  • If it is not empty, you can edit $HOME/.Renviron with your favorite editor so that R_LIBS_USER contains the path to your chosen directory for own-installed R packages.

It should look something like this when you are done:

$ R_LIBS_USER="/home/u/user/R-packages-%V"

NOTE Replace /home/u/user with the value of $HOME. Run echo $HOME to see its value. NOTE The %V should be written as-is, it’s substituted at runtime with the active R version.

For each version of R you are using, create a directory matching the pattern used in .Renviron to store your packages in. This example is shown for R version 4.1.1:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/R-packages-4.1.1

Automatical download and install from CRAN


You find a list of packages in CRAN ( and a list of repos here:

Please choose a location close to you when picking a repo.

$ R --quiet --no-save --no-restore -e "install.packages('<r-package>', repos='<repo>')"

In either case, the dependencies of the package will be downloaded and installed as well.


In this example, we will install the R package stringr and use the repository

Note: You need to load R (and any prerequisites, and possibly R-bundle-Bioconductor if you need packages from that) before installing packages.

$ R --quiet --no-save --no-restore -e "install.packages('stringr', repos='')"

Automatic download and install from GitHub

If you want to install a package that is not on CRAN, but which do have a GitHub page, then there is an automatic way of installing, but you need to handle prerequsites yourself by installing those first. It can also be that the package is not in as finished a state as those on CRAN, so be careful.

To install packages from GitHub directly, from inside R, you first need to install the devtools package. Note that you only need to install this once.

This is how you install a package from GitHub, inside R:

install.packages("devtools")   # ONLY ONCE



In this example we want to install the package quantstrat. It is not on CRAN, so let’s get it from the GitHub page for the project:

We also need to install devtools so we can install packages from GitHub. In addition, quantstrat has some prerequisites, some on CRAN, some on GitHub, so we need to install those as well.

install.packages("devtools") # ONLY ONCE


Manual download and install

If the package is not on CRAN or you want the development version, or you for other reason want to install a package you downloaded, then this is how to install from the command line:

$ R CMD INSTALL -l <path-to-R-package>/R-package.tar.gz

NOTE that if you install a package this way, you need to handle any dependencies yourself.


Places to look for R packages


  • You can check for installed packages
    • from inside R with installed.packages()

    • from BASH shell with the
      • ml help R/<version> at UPPMAX

      • ml spider R/<version> at HPC2N

  • Installation of R packages can be done either from within R or from the command line (BASH shell)

  • CRAN is the recommended place to look for R-packages, but many packages can be found on GitHub and if you want the development version of a package you likely need to get it from GitHub or other place outside CRAN. You would then either download and install manually or install with something like devtools, from within R.

Install own packages on Bianca

  • If an R package is not not available on Bianca already (like Conda repositories) you may have to use the wharf to install the library/package

  • Typical workflow

    • Install on Rackham

    • Transfer to Wharf

    • Move package to local Bianca R package path

    • Test your installation

  • Demo and exercise from our Bianca course:


Install a package with automatic download

  1. First do the setup of .Renviron and create the directory for installing R packages (Recommended load R version 4.1.1 on Rackham, 4.1.2 on Kebnekaise)

  2. From the command line. Suggestion: anomalize

  3. From inside R. Suggestion: tidyr

  4. Start R and see if the library can be loaded.

These are both on CRAN, and this way any dependencies will be installed as well.

Remember to pick a repo that is nearby, to install from: