Running Python in batch mode


  • What are the UPPMAX and HPC2N clusters?

  • What is a batch job?

  • How to make a batch job?


  • Short overview of the HPC systems

  • Short introduction to SLURM scheduler

  • Show structure of a batch script

  • Try example

Briefly about the cluster hardware and system at UPPMAX and HPC2N

What is a cluster?

  • Login nodes and calculations/compute nodes

  • A network of computers, each computer working as a node.

  • Each node contains several processor cores and RAM and a local disk called scratch.

  • The user logs in to login nodes via Internet through ssh or Thinlinc.

    • Here the file management and lighter data analysis can be performed.


Common features

  • Intel CPUs

  • Linux kernel

  • Bash shell







Cores per calculation node

28 (72 for largemem part)




Memory per calculation node

128-3072 GB

128-1024 GB

128-4096 GB

128-512 GB


NVidia K80 and V100
(+ 3 NVidia A100 and 2 AMD MI100)


Nvidia T4


Running your programs and scripts on UPPMAX and HPC2N

Any longer, resource-intensive, or parallel jobs must be run through a batch script.

The batch system used at both UPPMAX and HPC2N is called SLURM.

SLURM is an Open Source job scheduler, which provides three key functions

  • Keeps track of available system resources

  • Enforces local system resource usage and job scheduling policies

  • Manages a job queue, distributing work across resources according to policies

In order to run a batch job, you need to create and submit a SLURM submit file (also called a batch submit file, a batch script, or a job script).

Guides and documentation at: and


  • Write a batch script

    • Inside the batch script you need to load the modules you need (Python, Python packages, any prerequisites, … )

    • Possibly activate an isolated/virtual environment to access own-installed packages

    • Ask for resources depending on if it is a parallel job or a serial job, if you need GPUs or not, etc.

    • Give the command(s) to your Python script

  • Submit batch script with sbatch <>

Common file extensions for batch scripts are .sh or .batch, but they are not necessary. You can choose any name that makes sense to you.

Useful commands to the batch system

  • Submit job: sbatch <>

  • Get list of your jobs: squeue -u <username>

  • Check on a specific job: scontrol show job <job-id>

  • Delete a specific job: scancel <job-id>

  • Useful info about a job: sacct -l -j <job-id> | less -S

  • Url to a page with info about the job (Kebnekaise only): job-usage <job-id>

Example Python batch scripts

Short serial example script for Rackham. Loading Python 3.9.5. Numpy is preinstalled and does not need to be loaded.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -A naiss2023-22-1126 # Change to your own after the course
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # Asking for 10 minutes
#SBATCH -n 1 # Asking for 1 core

# Load any modules you need, here Python 3.9.5.
module load python/3.9.5

# Run your Python script

Short serial example for running on Rackham. Loading Python/3.9.5 + using any Python packages you have installed yourself with venv.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -A naiss2023-22-1126 # Change to your own after the course
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # Asking for 10 minutes
#SBATCH -n 1 # Asking for 1 core

# Load any modules you need, here for Python 3.9.5
module load python/3.9.5

# Activate your virtual environment.
# CHANGE <path-to-virt-env> to the full path where you installed your virtual environment
# Example: /proj/naiss2023-22-1126/nobackup/mrspock/pythonUPPMAX
source <path-to-virt-env>/bin/activate

# Run your Python script
python <>

Short GPU example for running on Snowy.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -A naiss2023-22-1126
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -M snowy
#SBATCH --gres=gpu=1

# Load any modules you need, here loading Python 3.9.5
module load python/3.9.5

# If you also need the GPU version of some of the ML packages
# then remove the out-commenting below
# module load python_ML_packages/3.9.5-gpu

# Run your code
python <my-gpu-code>.py

The recommended TensorFlow version for this course is 2.6.0-CUDA-11.3.1 on Kebnekaise. The module is compatible with Python 3.9.5.


Run the first serial example script from further up on the page for this short Python code (

import sys

x = int(sys.argv[1])
y = int(sys.argv[2])

sum = x + y

print("The sum of the two numbers is: {0}".format(sum))

Remember to give the two arguments to the program in the batch script.


  • The SLURM scheduler handles allocations to the calculation nodes

  • Interactive sessions was presented in last slide

  • Batch jobs runs without interaction with user

  • A batch script consists of a part with SLURM parameters describing the allocation and a second part describing the actual work within the job, for instance one or several Python scripts.

    • Remember to include possible input arguments to the Python script in the batch script.