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Introduction to Python


Great course. Now, Python is not scary anymore.

A learner from this course (source)

This 1-day course helps you get started with Python, by working through an online and free book. We make use of the UPPMAX HPC cluster to write and run Python code, but you may use a different machine if you prefer. The pace of this highly interactive course is set by the majority of learners, ensuring that any complete beginner has enough time for exercises. At the end of the day, you should feel comfortable with the basics of Python and feel familiar to a book on Python to help you on your next steps.

You will:

  • Feel comfortable with learning Python
  • Feel comfortable using an online and free book on Python
  • Write Python code on an HPC cluster
  • Run Python scripts on an HPC cluster

Practical matters:


  • About the course content: contact the main teacher, Richèl Bilderbeek, at
  • About higher-level things: contact the coordinator, Diana Iusan


  • Diana Iusan