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Variables, expressions and statements: operators

Learning objectives

  • Practice using the UPPMAX documentation
  • Practice using the Python book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3
  • Get the type of an object
  • Create a variable
  • Use a variable
  • Practice converting an equation to Python code
  • Find and use the operator for exponentiation
  • Practice the modulo operator
  • Practice converting a simple text question to Python code
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have worked with variables
  • Learners understand the purpose of variables
  • Learners have obtained the data type of a variable
  • Learners have heard about what a data type is
  • Learners have practiced convert an equation and a text question to Python
  • Learners have read on operators
  • Learners have worked with the modulo operator

Lesson plan:


  • 5 mins: prior knowledge
  • 5 mins: presentation
  • 15 mins: challenge
  • 5 mins: feedback

Prior questions:

  • What is an operator?
  • If I ask you: 'What time is it 10 hours later, what is the calculation you do in your head?'
  • What is the modulo operator?


In any non-trivial calculation, we want to let our computer remember things, such as the content of a data file, or the parameters/settings we use in our program. Variables allows one to make a computer store ('remember') information. Here we use our first simple variables.

Also we practice converting an equation and a mathematical problem to Python code. We will discover the helpful modulo operator.

flowchart TD

    %% Give a white background to all nodes, instead of a transparent one
    classDef node fill:#fff,color:#000,stroke:#000

    subgraph sub_programming_language[Programming language]
      interpreted_language[Interpreted language]
      programming_language[Programming language]
      scripting_language[Scripting language]
      text_files[Text files]
    style sub_programming_language fill:#ccf,color:#000,stroke:#fcc

    subgraph sub_programming_terms[Programming terms]
      user_input[User input]
      %% file_io[File I/O]
      %% command_line_arguments[Command-line arguments]
      %% functions[Functions]
      python_packages[Python packages]
      %% graphics[Graphics]
    style sub_programming_terms fill:#cfc,color:#000,stroke:#fcc

    subgraph sub_uppmax[UPPMAX]
      uppmax_modules[UPPMAX modules]
      uppmax_clusters[UPPMAX clusters]
      text_editors[Text editors]
      remote_desktop[Remote desktop]
    style sub_uppmax fill:#fcc,color:#000,stroke:#fcc

    python --> |is a| programming_language
    python --> |is a| interpreted_language
    python --> |is a| scripting_language

    programming_language --> |uses| text_files
    interpreted_language --> |has a| interpreter
    scripting_language --> |is|interpreted_language
    scripting_language --> |runs| scripts
    scripts --> |are| text_files
    %% scripts --> |can use| command_line_arguments

    python --> |has| python_packages
    python --> |has| variables
    %%python --> |has| functions
    python --> |has| operators
    %%functions --> |use| variables
    operators --> |work on| variables
    %%python_packages --> |allow| graphics
    python_packages --> |allow to use| user_input
    %% python_packages --> |allow to do| file_io
    %% python_packages --> |allow to use| command_line_arguments

    uppmax --> |has| uppmax_clusters
    uppmax_clusters --> |have| uppmax_modules
    uppmax_clusters --> |have| text_editors
    uppmax_clusters --> |allow| x_forwarding
    uppmax_clusters --> |has| remote_desktop
    uppmax_modules --> |allow the use of| python_packages
    uppmax_modules --> |allow the use of| interpreter

    text_editors --> |work on|text_files
    %%x_forwarding --> |allows|graphics
    %%remote_desktop --> |allows|graphics

    variables ~~~ uppmax


See the exercise procedure here.

Exercise 1: an equation with exponentiation

Learning objectives

  • practice converting an equation to Python code
  • find and use the operator for exponentiation

Read the following sections of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3:

  • 2.6. Operators and operands

Then in section 2.14, do exercise 5 except for asking for input: use a hardcoded value as input, for example:

t = 3.14


The formula for computing the final amount if one is earning compound interest is given on Wikipedia as

Equation for compound interest

Write a Python program that assigns the principal amount of $10000 to variable P, assign to n the value 12, and assign to r the interest rate of 8%. ~~Then have the program prompt the user for the number of years t that the money will be compounded for~~ [Edit: set the value of t to any positive value]. Calculate and print the final amount after t years.


Here is a possible implementation:

p = 10000 # principal amount, in dollar
r = 1.08 # yearly anual interest rate
n = 12 # monthly compounding
t = 3.14 # number of years
a = p * ((1 + (r/n)) ** (n * t))

Note that p (and not P) was used, as this follows the PEP 8 Python coding standard.

Additionally, to make sure the equation is calculated correctly, plenty of parentheses were used.

Exercise 2: the modulo operator

Learning objectives

  • practice the modulo operator
  • practice converting a simple text question to Python code

Read the following sections of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3:

  • 2.8. Order of operations
  • 2.12. The modulus operator

Then in section 2.14, do exercises 6 and 7.


Evaluate the following numerical expressions in your head, then use the Python interpreter to check your results:

>>> 5 % 2
>>> 9 % 5
>>> 15 % 12
>>> 12 % 15
>>> 6 % 6
>>> 0 % 7
>>> 7 % 0

What happened with the last example? Why? If you were able to correctly anticipate the computer’s response in all but the last one, it is time to move on. If not, take time now to make up examples of your own. Explore the modulus operator until you are confident you understand how it works.

>>> 5 % 2
>>> 9 % 5
>>> 15 % 12
>>> 12 % 15
>>> 6 % 6
>>> 0 % 7
>>> 7 % 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer modulo by zero

The last error is the result from a division by zero: 7 % 0 means: 'calculate the remainder after dividing seven by zero'. One cannot divide a number by zero.


You look at the clock and it is exactly 2pm. You set an alarm to go off in 51 hours. At what time does the alarm go off? (Hint: you could count on your fingers, but this is not what we’re after. If you are tempted to count on your fingers, change the 51 to 5100.)


Here is a possible implementation:

t_now = 14 # 2 pm
t_future = (t_now + 51) % 24

The result is 17, i.e. 5 pm.