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This module introduces the fundamentals of Python programming language.


  • The course emphasises hands-on experience with Python in the UPPMAX environment. It focuses on the basics and can be taken by someone without any prior Python experience.
  • You will learn:
    • ✔ How to load and use different version of Python on our clusters
    • ✔ How to create and run a Python script
    • How to work with basic builtin data types
    • How to use UPPMAX modules to load a Python package
    • How to reading files
    • How to writing to files
    • How to creating a command line program that can take input arguments
    • How to use control flow statements
    • How to draw a plot (i.e. an x-y line plot)
    • How to bundle code into reusable functions
For teachers

Classic-style lecture and exercises can be found at and

flowchart TD

  user_input[User input]
  file_io[File I/O]
  command_line_arguments[Command-line arguments]
  python_packages[Python packages]

  python --> |has| python_packages
  python --> |has| variables
  python --> |has| functions
  python --> |has| operators
  functions --> |use| variables
  operators --> |work on| variables
  python_packages --> |allow| graphics
  python_packages --> |allow to use| user_input
  python_packages --> |allow to do| file_io
  python_packages --> |allow to use| command_line_arguments