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Hello, little turtles

Learning objectives

  • Practice using the UPPMAX documentation
  • Practice using the Python book How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3
  • Have a first 'Get stuff to work' experience
  • Rehearse creating a script
  • Experience when importing a Python package gives an error
  • Search for an UPPMAX module that needs to be loaded
  • Import a Python package successfully
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have observed the error when importing a Python package without the needed UPPMAX module loaded
  • Learners have search through the UPPMAX modules
  • Learners may find out that X-forwarding is important
  • Learners have gotten 'stuff to work'

Other goals are:

  • Verify that learners indeed have learned how to login with X-forwarding. Redirect to remote desktop environment as a solution

Lesson plan:

  • 5 mins: prior knowledge
  • 5 mins: presentation
  • 25 mins: challenge
  • 5 mins: feedback

Prior questions:

  • What are features of the Python programming language?
  • What are problems you may face when running someone else's Python code?
  • Trick question: what is module?
  • What is an UPPMAX module?
  • Which problem do UPPMAX modules solve?
  • What is a Python module/package?
  • Which problem do Python modules/packages solve?
  • What is X forwarding?


Sometime you need to get 'stuff to work', for example, code written by someone else. In this session, we practice this, going through the problems and errors that occur when you want to 'just want to run the stupid code'.

flowchart TD
  running_a_script[[Goal: Running a script]]
  load_modules[Loaded UPPMAX modules?]
  use_x_forwarding[Use X forwarding?]
  success[Success: exercise 3]
  failure_1[Failure: exercise 1]
  failure_2[Failure: exercise 2]
  running_a_script --> load_modules
  load_modules --> |yes!| use_x_forwarding

  load_modules --> |oops, forgot!| failure_1
  use_x_forwarding --> |oops, forgot!| failure_2
  use_x_forwarding --> |yes!| success


See the exercise procedure here.

Exercise 1: Fail at running a first program

Learning objectives

  • Rehearse creating a script
  • Try to import a Python package
  • Observe errors when a package is absent, due to a module not being loaded

Read the following sections of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3:

  • 3.1. Our first turtle program


  • Log in to Rackham using SSH without X forwarding

This is how:

  • Do not load a Python module: it is the point of this exercise to see what happens if you forget to do so!

  • Copy-paste the first script in that section to a script on Rackham. Below is a copy of that script:

import turtle             # Allows us to use turtles
wn = turtle.Screen()      # Creates a playground for turtles
alex = turtle.Turtle()    # Create a turtle, assign to alex

alex.forward(50)          # Tell alex to move forward by 50 units
alex.left(90)             # Tell alex to turn by 90 degrees
alex.forward(30)          # Complete the second side of a rectangle

wn.mainloop()             # Wait for user to close window

Do not call the script

Do not call the script Feel encouraged to do so anyways and observe the error message :-)

  • Run the script on Rackham using python3 and without loading any modules. Does the error message make sense?
Why use python3 instead of python?

Because python happens to have access to the turtle library, hence it gives the error of the next exercise directly


Here is the error:

[richel@rackham3 ~]$ python3 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in <module>
    import turtle             # Allows us to use turtles
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'turtle'

It does mean that the turtle package is not available. That is correct: the python module (with many packages) has not been loaded yet!

Exercise 2: Fail at running a first program again

Learning objectives

  • Rehearse creating a script
  • Try to import a Python package
  • Observe errors when X forwarding is not enabled
  • Log in to Rackham using SSH without X forwarding

This is how:

  • Run the script on Rackham and verify it will not run. Does the error message make sense?
For those that use MobaXterm that cannot get an error

It seems that for some MobaXterm users, the X-forwarding is always on, so you cannot get this error.

To get the error: create a new terminal and login via ssh without the -X :-)


This is what will happen:

Log in without X forwarding:

richel@richel-N141CU:~/GitHubs/uppmax_intro_python/docs/sessions$ ssh's password: 


Last login: Fri Aug 16 09:49:42 2024 from
 _   _ ____  ____  __  __    _    __  __
| | | |  _ \|  _ \|  \/  |  / \   \ \/ /   | System:    rackham2
| | | | |_) | |_) | |\/| | / _ \   \  /    | User:      richel
| |_| |  __/|  __/| |  | |/ ___ \  /  \    | 
 \___/|_|   |_|   |_|  |_/_/   \_\/_/\_\   | 


        User Guides:

        Write to, if you have questions or comments.

Loading the python/3.10.8 module, which is good practice (yet irrelevant for the error message):

[richel@rackham2 ~]$ module load python/3.10.8

Running the script:

[richel@rackham2 ~]$ python 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/domus/h1/richel/", line 2, in <module>
    wn = turtle.Screen()      # Creates a playground for turtles
  File "/sw/comp/python/3.10.8/rackham/lib/python3.10/", line 3664, in Screen
    Turtle._screen = _Screen()
  File "/sw/comp/python/3.10.8/rackham/lib/python3.10/", line 3680, in __init__
    _Screen._root = self._root = _Root()
  File "/sw/comp/python/3.10.8/rackham/lib/python3.10/", line 435, in __init__
  File "/sw/comp/python/3.10.8/rackham/lib/python3.10/tkinter/", line 2299, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable
[richel@rackham2 ~]$ 

The error is no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable. In simpler terms, this can be read as 'Nothing to show graphics with'.

The solution is to login to Rackham with X forwarding enabled

Exercise 3: Running a first program

Learning objectives

  • Import a Python package
  • Practice to search for an UPPMAX module that needs to be loaded
  • Get a script that requires an UPPMAX module to be loaded to work

Now we try to make this script work!


Now, try to get the script to work.

When running the code, there should be a visible pop-up window. If not, re-read the UPPMAX documentation page 'Login to Rackham' and enable X-forwarding. If X-forwarding does not work, use the Rackham remote desktop environment.

Need more hints?

The exercise is about practicing to search for an UPPMAX module, hence giving away the answer makes this session useless.

However, if you feel stuck too much, you can watch a video in which this exercise is done here

  • Log in to Rackham using SSH with X forwarding. How does it look?

This is how to log in with X forwarding enabled:

ssh -X

It looks like this:

Running the program successfully