The course was widened in scope from UPPMAX-only to NAISS-wide, two hours before a newsletter needed to be sent out. I prepared the text for a newsletter, assuming I will get the course material in shape later.
First I will get the website into good shape, before transitioning the content to be NAISS-wide. Done! Version 2.3.1 builds cleanly!
One drawback of being NAISS-wide is that UPPMAX (as far as I can see) has the only user documentation suitable for teaching. I will be ruthless when needed, and add things to the UPPMAX doc.
Another drawback of being NAISS-wide is that the evaluation question 'I am comfortable using my HPC center's documentation' will vary per center. It is part of the course to use other center's documentation, I will encourage our learners to give feedback regarding other center's documentation.
- [x] Add to the evaluation: 'If you think the documentation of your HPC cluster should be improved, write down its name here'
Going NAISS-wide will make me remove 'I can start an interactive session on my HPC cluster' as not all NAISS clusters have this. If they have it, they differ. This course is about learning Python and less on HPC clusters
- [x] Remove interactive session
The newsletter was rushed and I only know the constraints I've asked for. This makes it hard to write a 'Welcome to the course' email, as too many things may change in the very near future.
At the end of the day, I decided to write an email with whatever I knew to the learners.
The number of registrations passed 60, hence I asked Björn Claremar for help. I expect a third to show up, which is 20 learners. Putting these in breakout rooms of 3 learners is 7 breakout rooms. I think 5 breakout rooms per teacher is reasonable. I have the exercise procedure well documented for any helper, so that anyone can understand what is expected of him/her.