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Learning objectives

  • Be able to find which resources exist
  • Be able to apply for a resource


UPPMAX is part of NAISS.

Goal of this session is to find out which resources exists in Sweden and how to apply for these.


flowchart TD
  local_universities[Local universities]
  subgraph national_resources[National resources]
    bianca[Bianca @ UPPMAX]
    rackham[Rackham @ UPPMAX]
  subgraph local_resources[Local resources]
    snowy[Snowy @ UPPMAX]
  naiss --> |finances| national_resources
  local_universities --> |finance| local_resources
  supr --> |user management| national_resources
  supr --> |user management| local_resources  


From the 'About us' page of the NAISS website:

The National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) is an infrastructure organisation for high-performance computing, storage, and data services for academic users in Sweden

NAISS resources are free (as in beer) to researchers all over Sweden and can be found at the 'Resources' page of the NAISS website.


SUPR allows a user to apply for resources, both NAISS and local (e.g. Uppsala) resources.

Resource application is done in rounds. All SUPR rounds can be found at

Typically, SUPR rounds come in three project sizes. The bigger the project, the less often one can apply and the higher job title one needs.


Exercise 1: NAISS resources

Read the 'Resources' page of the NAISS website then answer these questions:

  • Which resource is most suitable to store and work on sensitive data?
  • Which resource is most suitable to work with AI tools?
  • Which resource is most suitable to host a website and/or service?
  • Which resource is most suitable to store data publicly?

Exercise 2: Apply for resources

At the 'Resources' page of the NAISS website, request resources for Rackham. This will take you to the SUPR NAISS page on Rackham.

Apply for a 'Small Compute' project.

  • What academic level (BSc, MSc, PhD student, etc.) do you need to have to be eligible?
  • How many CPU core hours per month would you get for Rackham?

Cancel this application.

Apply for a 'Medium Compute' project.

  • What academic level (BSc, MSc, PhD student, etc.) do you need to have to be eligible?
  • How many CPU core hours per month would you get for Rackham?

Cancel this application.