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Basic use with visual tools introduction

Here we start using Rackham. To ease the learning curve, we use software that is visual, so you can start feeling at home on Rackham, before moving to more abstract new topics.

We will not yet discuss IDEs (whatever those are) yet, as it requires using techniques we teach later.

flowchart TD
  classDef maybe_not_node stroke-dasharray: 5 5

  login[Login in general]
  login_remote_desktop[Login to remote desktop]
  use_remote_desktop[Using the remote desktop, navigation, file management, text editor]
  file_transfer_filezilla[File transfer, FileZilla]
  use_ide[Using an IDE]:::maybe_not_node

  %% GUI
  login --> login_remote_desktop
  login_remote_desktop ---> use_remote_desktop
  use_remote_desktop --> file_transfer_filezilla
  use_remote_desktop -.-> |modules, interactive session| use_ide
Link Description
Login Log in to an UPPMAX cluster
Log in to remote desktop environment Log in to the Rackham remote desktop environment via the website
Using the remote desktop environment Using a remote desktop environment
File transfer using FileZilla File transfer using FileZilla