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The UPPMAX filesystem

Learning outcomes

  • Can find the UPPMAX project folder of this course
  • Can find out which folders have a backup
For teachers

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners have found the UPPMAX project folder of this course
  • Learners have found find out which folders have a backup

Prior questions:

  • How do you think the folder structure looks on the UPPMAX HPC clusters?
  • What is the purpose of a home folder?
  • What is the purpose of a project folder?
  • What is the purpose of a nobackup folder?


You want to know where to put your files. You want to know if/how your lost files can be retrieved.


Need a video?

Here is a video that shows the solution of these exercises

Exercise 1: important folders


It is called /proj.

The initial slash indicates it is in the root folder.

  • Navigate to that folder (in your favorite way!). Estimate the number of projects in that folder

Using the terminal:

Here we navigate to the /proj folder:

cd /proj

Counting the number of folders in that folder:

ls | wc --lines

Gives us around 7000 projects

  • Guess which of these folders has a backup:

    • /proj/uppmax2025-2-262
    • /proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup
    • /proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup/backup
    • /home/sven
    • /home/sven/nobackup
    • /home/sven/nobackup/backup

Folder name Has backup?
/proj/uppmax2025-2-262 Yes, folders have a backup by default
/proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup No, because it has nobackup in the name
/proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup/backup No, because it has nobackup in the name
/home/sven Yes, folders have a backup by default
/home/sven/nobackup No, because it has nobackup in the name
/home/sven/nobackup/backup No, because it has nobackup in the name
Isn't that obvious?


We at UPPMAX do get complaints from users that (1) place their raw data in a nobackup folder, then (2) delete that folder, (3) ask us for a backup, (4) complain that we did not have a backup.

  • Give an example of which kind of files you would store in these folders:

    • /proj/uppmax2025-2-262
    • /proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup
    • /home/sven
    • /home/sven/nobackup
Folder name Example file
/proj/uppmax2025-2-262 The raw data, your scripts
/proj/uppmax2025-2-262/nobackup Intermediate files of your analyses
/home/sven Your personal scripts
/home/sven/nobackup Intermediate files of your personal analyses