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Evaluation forms

For teachers: what is in that form?

Thanks for your feedback. This feedback will be published as-is at the end of Day 1, if and only if there are no personal details (email, address, etc.) in the feedback. Do mention the teachers, assistants, etc by name!

For teachers: what is in that form?

These are the evaluation questions. The goals of these questions is to find out how successful the course is in achieving its teaching goals.

Give you confidence levels of the following statements, using this scale:

  • 0: I don't know even what this is about ...?
  • 1: I have no confidence I can do this
  • 2: I have low confidence I can do this
  • 3: I have some confidence I can do this
  • 4: I have good confidence I can do this
  • 5: I absolutely can do this!

Give you confidence levels of the following statements below:

  • I can log in to the Rackham remote desktop using the website
  • I can do basic things in the Rackham remote desktop
  • I can transfer files to/from Rackham using FileZilla
  • I can log in to Rackham using a terminal
  • I can do basic things in the terminal
  • I can transfer files to/from Rackham using scp
  • I can start an interactive session
  • I can find and load a module
  • I can start an IDE
  • I can start a terminal text editor
  • I can create a bash script
  • I can schedule a job
  • I can conclude which UPPMAX cluster best suits my needs
  • I can find the hardware specifications of an UPPMAX cluster
  • I can find where to apply for NAISS resources
  • I can find other UPPMAX courses

Thanks for your feedback. This feedback will be published as-is at the end of Day 1, if and only if there are no personal details (email, address, etc.) in the feedback. Do mention the teachers, assistants, etc by name!