# Linux - The "operating system" of the UPPMAX and most of the other clusters is **Linux**. ```{questions} - What is Linux? - How to use the command line? ``` ```{objectives} - We'll briefly get an overview of Linux - How the command line works - Some text editors - Things to be aware of ``` ## What is Linux? ![Content](./img/pingvin.png) - Daily speaking: The Linux Operating system is a UNIX like and UNIX compatible Operating system. - Linux is a "Kernel" on which many different programs can run. - The shell (bash, sh, ksh, csh, tcsh and many more) is one such program. ![Content](./img/images.jfif) - Actually, for it to be an OS, it is supplied with GNU software and other additions giving us the name **GNU/Linux**. - [Linux naming controversy]((https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU/Linux_naming_controversy) ![Content](./img/gnu.png) - Linux has a multiuser platform at its base which means permissions and security comes easy. ### Linux comes in different distributions, dialects or, say, flavours. - UPPMAX runs CentOS and RedHat ![Content](./img/flavours.png) ## Using the command line ### Command line with bash (Bourne Again Shell) - A Unix shell and command language. - Often default shell ![Content](./img/shell.jpg) - The command-line interface: the bash prompt $ - bash can be seen as a program that finds and runs other programs - bash is scripting language that is referred to as a shell - (because it sits around the kernel making it easy to interact with) ![Content](./img/unix_architecture.jpg) ### The prompt [info]$ program word1 word2 word3 […] - [info] is configurable, and usually tells you who you are, on what system, and where in the file system. - Example: ```bash= [bjornc@rackham3 linux_tutorial]$ ``` - For changing info (only for advanced users!) Does not matter for this course!: - - The program to run is the first word - All words are separated by spaces ![folders](./img/folders.png) ### Example bash command
```{image} ./img/mv_inbox.png :alt: mv inbox :width: 300px :align: left ```

```{image} ./img/program_flags.png :alt: program flags :width: 300px :align: left ```

- Terminal screen shows

![Content](./img/screen.png) ### Tab Completion
```{image} ./img/tab.png :alt: tab :width: 200px :align: left ```

- Whenever you’re writing a path or filename on the bash prompt, you can strike the ‘tab’ key to ask Bash to complete what you’re writing. - Get in the habit of this — it will save you many hours! ## Editing files with file/text editors ![Content](./img/edit.png) ### gedit - graphical user interface — GUI, needs X-server - Also graphical editor within MobaXterm ### nano - keyboard shortcuts shown on-screen) - Cheatsheet: [http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/sedwards/nano/UsefulNanoKeyCommands.html](http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/sedwards/nano/UsefulNanoKeyCommands.html) - ^ = Ctrl, M = meta key) - Windows M = Alt - On Mac: in the Terminal.app go to Preferences -> Settings -> Keyboard and turn on "Use option as meta key": then M = Alt ```{solution} Not to try today if you haven't used before!!! - If you start one of these editors you may have difficulties to exit! **vim** - fast and powerful, once you learn it - on UPPMAX started with command ``vi`` - 1. Insert mode (type like normal text editor. Press ``i`` for insert mode) - 2. Command mode (give commands to the editor to get things done . Press `` for command mode) - Cheat sheet: [https://coderwall.com/p/adv71w/basic-vim-commands-for-getting-started](https://coderwall.com/p/adv71w/basic-vim-commands-for-getting-started) **gvim** - ``vi``m with a GUI, lots of features very Fast **emacs** - fast and powerful, once you learn it - Cheat sheet: [https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards/pdf/refcard.pdf](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards/pdf/refcard.pdf) - (C = ``) - also With GUI - ``emacs –nw`` - keeps you in terminal window. ``` ## The graphical editors - When starting the graphical versions of an editor, add ``&`` to be able to use the command line while program is open. - Ex: `gedit &` - If not, you can `+z` and type `bg` to send program to background. ```{discussion} Try out later! **Try them out and pick one favorite editor!** ``` ## Typical sources of error ![Content](./img/cross.png) ```{Warning} - Capitalization matters in file names and program names - Spaces matter. - Always have a space after the program name. - Don’t add spaces within file names. - Check that you are in the right place in the file system. - File permissions. Check that the right read, write and execute permission are set. See next session. ``` ## Caution!! ![Content](./img/caution.png) ```{Warning} - There is no undo for: - copy (`cp`), - move (`mv`), and - remove (`rm`). - **Beware of overwriting files and deleting the wrong ones.** ``` ```{Note} - **Tip: make "`rm`" ask if you really want to erase:** - Within a session: Type in the command prompt alias rm='rm -i' - Override asking with rm –f <> - Edit file `.bashrc` in `home` directory by adding the alias line for this to start everytime. - This will also work for ``mv`` and ``cp``! ``` ```{Note} - If you do destroy your data, email UPPMAX support, we may be able to help. ``` ```{keypoints} - Linux Operating system is a UNIX-like and UNIX compatible Operating system. - Typical command: $ program word1 word2 word3 […] - Example of file editors - terminal - nano - vim - emacs - graphical: - gedit - Tips - use Tab completion - capitalization and spaces matters - no undo:s for copying, moving and removing - Solution: ``alias rm='rm -i' `` ```