# NAISS SENS and Bianca ```{objectives} - We'll briefly get an overview of kinds of sensitive data - ... and the **Bianca** system ``` ```{Admonition} The Bianca workshop - [Bianca workshop material](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/) - Next time given Sep 11 ``` ## Sensitive personal data - - Traced to now living persons, e.g. - human genomic data - images/videos containing persons - health registry (health data records from healthcare providers) - More about sensitive data - [GDPR](https://gdpr.eu/) - [Data protection](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en) - [Skydd av personuppgifter](https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_sv) - When in doubt, contact your university's [data protection officer](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/faq/general-miscellaneous-faq/sensitive+data+questions/). - Generally, there must be a [Data Processing Agreement](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/faq/general-miscellaneous-faq/how-to-establish-a-puba-with-uu/) between UU and the data controlling university. ## Apply for project [Open NAISS SENS Rounds](https://supr.naiss.se/round/open_type/?type=NAISS+SENS) ## Bianca - Bianca is a great platform for computationally intensive research on sensitive personal data. It can also be useful for: - national and international collaboration on sensitive personal data (without a high compute need) - other types of sensitive data - Bianca is not good for: - storing data - publishing data - unless the dataset is very popular among Bianca users, e.g. [Swegen](https://snd.gu.se/en/catalogue/study/ext0285), [SIMPLER](https://www.simpler4health.se/) ## Bianca's design - Bianca was designed to: - make accidental data leaks difficult - make correct data management as easy as possible - emulate the HPC cluster environment that SNIC/NAISS users were familiar with - provide a maximum amount of resources - satisfy regulations. ### Bianca has no Internet ... but we have “solutions” ![Image](./img/biancaorganisation-01.png) - Bianca is only accessible from within Sunet (i.e. from university networks). - Use VPN outside Sunet. [Link to VPN for UU](https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/stod/it-telefoni/it-support/network-on-campus/vpn-service) - You can get VPN credentials from all Swedish universities.
- The whole Bianca cluster (blue) contains hundreds of virtual project clusters (green), each of which is isolated from each other and the Internet. - Data can be transferred to or from a virtual project cluster through the Wharf, which is a special file area that is visible from the Internet. ### The log in steps 1. When you log in to [https://bianca.uppmax.uu.se](https://bianca.uppmax.uu.se), your SSH or ThinLinc client first meets the blue Bianca login node. - `-@bianca.uppmax.uu.se` - like: `myname-sens2016999@bianca.uppmax.uu.se` 2. After checking your [2-factor authentication](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/user-guides/setting-up-two-factor-authentication/), this server looks for your virtual project cluster. 3. If it's present, then you are transferred to a login prompt on your cluster's login node. If not, then the virtual cluster is started. 4. Inside each virtual project cluster, by default there is just a one-core login node. When you need more memory or more CPU power, you submit a job (interactive or batch), and an idle node will be moved into your project cluster. ### Data transfers: - - section 3: Transfer files to and from Bianca - wharf - NGI Deliver through SUPR - Transit server (SSH to transit.uppmax.uu.se) ### Software - Modules library (almost same as Rackham) - Local Conda repository - Local Perl modules - Local R packages - More info at [Bianca user guide](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/user-guides/bianca-user-guide/) ## ThinLinc - Bianca offers graphical login - You need to be on SUNET or use VPN. - On web: - [https://bianca.uppmax.uu.se](https://bianca.uppmax.uu.se) - requires [2-factor authentication](https://www.uppmax.uu.se/support/user-guides/setting-up-two-factor-authentication/) ![Image](./img/Thinlinc2.jpg) ## Introduction course - [Overview](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/overview/) - [Log in](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/login_bianca/) - [Command-line intro](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/commandline/) - [Module system](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/modules1/) - [Transfering files](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/transfer) - [More on NAISS-SENS](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/naiss-sens-bianca/) - [The compute nodes](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/slurm-intro/) - [Software and package installation](https://uppmax.github.io/bianca_workshop/install/) ```{keypoints} - If you handle sensitive data, apply for a NAISS-SENS project - SENS projects will get accounts on Bianca - Bianca has no internet itself but there are solutions like: - wharf - transit server - many installed software - Ask support if you need additional software tools ```