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Running TensorBoard on Snowy


  • TensorBoard can be used to visualise, debug, and profile your model.
  • TensorBoard is accessed from a web browser. You may start it in an interactive session and access it via an ssh-tunnel or ThinLinc.

1. Connect to Rackham using ThinLinc.

You may download the ThinLinc client from here:

You may also use the web browser to connect: You need to set up 2FA for the ThinLinc web.

2. Open a terminal in ThinLinc and ask for an interactive session to Snowy.

salloc -A naiss2023-22-247 -p node -N 1 -M snowy --gpus=1 --gpus-per-node=1 -t 04:00:00

Note: We have a magnetic 4-node reservation for today: naiss2023-22-247_1.

Is the GPU visible?


3. Load the needed modules

module load python_ML_packages/3.9.5-gpu
pip list

module use /sw/EasyBuild/snowy-gpu/modules/all
module load TensorFlow/2.5.0-fosscuda-2020b

TensorBoard can be started from the command line as tensorboard. You need to specify a directory for the logs using the --logdir option.


tensorboard --bind_all --logdir=./tensorboard-log-dir
TensorBoard 2.5.0 at http://s???
Change the path & name ./tensorboard-log-dir as you wish. Each running job should have its own directory for TensorBoard to parse the logs correctly.

By default, TensorBoard will attach the port 6006 to localhost. If it's taken, it will chose another one. You may see the chosen port in the output when you start TensorBoard from the command line.

4. Accesss TensoBoard

Solution 1: Using ssh-tunnelling

ssh -L 8080:s???
Update the port if needed.

Next, on your computer open a web browser and visit http://localhost:8080. You should now see the Tensorboard UI.

Solution 2: Using ThinLic

  • Launch a web browser on ThinLinc.
  • Visit http://s??? or localhost:8080. Update the local port, in this example 8080, and the snowy node s??? as needed.

Where to go from here?

Have a look at this getting started tutorial from TensorFlow:


Limit the memory needs of your application. What is a suitable TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH? Read more on this and other memory growth pointers at