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Introduction to Wednesday

Today we will:

  • learn and practice git workflows while coding
  • learn and practice formal testing
Learning objectives of 'Understand git branches, git merge'
  • explain and evaluate the usefulness for different git commands
Learning objectives of 'Practice using git branches'
  • create, switch and delete a git branch
Learning objectives of 'Understand git Pull Request with code review'
  • explain and evaluate the usefulness of git Pull Request with code review
Learning objectives of 'Practice doing a Pull Request using a code review'
  • practice merging git branches
  • practice fixing merge conflicts
  • practice doing a code review
Learning objectives of 'Do formal testing'
  • understand the benefit of using a testing framework
  • practice writing tests within a formal testing framework
  • understand the benefit of continuous integration tests
  • practice fixing continuous integration tests

We will formalize our practice test-driven development by using a standard branch model with code reviews and maybe we start to practice formal testing.

We will be using our shared repository, the Programming Formalisms project, where we work on the main, develop and topic branches.

Detailed schedule

Day Time Teacher Subject
Wednesday 09:00-10:00 Björn understand git branches, git merge
Wednesday 10:15-11:00 Richel apply git branches
Wednesday 11:15-12:00 Björn understand git pull request with code review
Wednesday 13:00-14:00 Richel apply code review
Wednesday 14:15-15:00 Richel understand formal testing
Wednesday 15:15-15:50 Richel apply formal testing
Wednesday 15:50-16:00 Richel retrospect