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Introduction to Tuesday

Today we will create a class diagram of our project.

Learning objectives of 'Design paradigms'
  • The student has an introductory level of understanding of design paradigms, especially with the objectoriented design prinicples
  • The students can turn a short requirements document and feature list into objects and make an inital class diagram, for the student project.-

Design paradigms

Learning objectives for pair programming
  • Understand why pair programming is important
  • Understand how good pair programming looks like
  • Practice pair programming

After learning about pair programming, we will adding stubs of these classes to our project.

Learning objectives for TDD
  • Understand what TDD is
  • Understand why TDD is important
  • Practice TDD

To be able new features, we will practice test-driven development in pairs.

We will be using our shared repository, the Programming Formalisms project, where we work on the main branch.

Detailed schedule

Day Time Teacher Subject
Tuesday 09:00-10:00 Lars Create class diagram
Tuesday 10:15-11:00 Lars Create class diagram
Tuesday 11:15-12:00 Lars Create class diagram
Tuesday 13:00-14:00 Richel Pair programming, using class diagram
Tuesday 14:15-15:00 Richel Pair programming, using class diagram
Tuesday 15:15-15:50 Richel TDD
Tuesday 15:50-16:00 Richel retrospect