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Introduction to Thursday

Today we will:

Learning objectives for 'data structures'
  • Practice to use classes for expression
  • Practice to use classes for type safety
  • Understand difference between composition and aggregation
  • Practice to use composition for a 'has-a' relationship
Learning objectives for 'Understand algorithms'
  • Understand design by contract
  • Understand algorithm names increase expressiveness of code
  • Understand difference between if and assert in function writing
Learning objectives for 'Understand optimisation'
  • Understand misconceptions on optimisation
  • Understand Amdahl's law
  • Practice to determine the big-O profile of a function
  • Practice to get a run-time speed profile

We will be using our shared repository, the Programming Formalisms project, where we work on the main, develop and topic branches. We merge coding using Pull Requests with code reviews.

Detailed schedule

Day Time Teacher Subject
Thursday 09:00-10:00 Richel TDD exercise 5: practice
Thursday 10:15-11:00 Richel Project dream design
Thursday 11:15-12:00 Richel GitHub Issues and Project
Thursday 13:00-14:00 Richel Team roles
Thursday 14:15-15:00 Richel Function design
Thursday 15:15-15:50 Richel Continuous Integration
Thursday 15:50-16:00 Richel Retrospect