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Learning objectives

  • understand the benefit of using a testing framework
  • practice writing tests within a formal testing framework
  • understand the benefit of continuous integration tests
  • practice fixing continuous integration tests
For teachers

Prerequisites are:

  • Learners have practiced pair programming
  • Learners can do the git basic workflow on master

Teaching goals are:

  • Learners understand what TDD is
  • Learners understand why TDD is important
  • Learners have done multiple TDD cycles

Teaching form used:

  • Pair programming
  • master branch

Lesson plan:

  • 5 mins: prior knowledge
  • When do you trust your code?
  • When do you trust code written by others?
  • How do you convince other developers of a bug?

  • 5 mins: presentation

  • 10 mins: demonstration is_zero
  • 25 mins: challenge
  • 10 mins: feedback



  • Testing helps code correctness
    • Use the BeyoncĂ© Rule on precious behavior
  • Testing + CI:
    • Helps teaching
    • Helps bug reporting


  • We developed only simple algorithms
  • We only use simple data structures
  • We ignore if code is fast (vague wording on purpose!)

This will be addressed in the next lectures :-)


In duos, owner_name is the GitHub username first in the alphabet.

  • 1: owner_name/is_prime(x)
  • 2: owner_name/get_digits(x)
  • 3: owner_name/flip_coin(x)
  • 4: owner_name/roll_dice(x)