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Reflection 2024-02-25 Day 4 by Richel


'Pingpong pair programming' is a term I should mention again.

Added 'GitHub Issues and Project', it could be used earlier.


Hour 1

All members of all three groups have committed on the group branch.

I felt this (third) hour (of TDD) was useful and should have been done earlier.

  • [ ] Next iteration: schedule 4 hours of TDD

Hour 2

I put in more time for individual reading in silence. One learner put this in a Retrospective and I was eager to try it out. This session has 10 minutes to read in silence, during which I will not disturb either (hence time to work on this reflection :-) ).

Hour 3

I forgot to do a Prior.

I had no material, but I think I improvised well enough. Instead of lecturing, discussions in BO rooms is superior :-)

Hour 4

I really enjoy our learners finally being able to do what they should have been taught earlier. Due to this, next hour will also be working on Issues...

Hour 5

I struggled how to do code reviews. Now we let the learners fake it. Ideally, it should be me or a helper. Next time, schedule a helper to do code reviews.

  • [ ] Next iteration, schedule a helper to do code reviews.