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Reflection 2024-02-22 Day 1 by Richel

This day, I was only a helper, except for the Retrospect.

I am unhappy with the Retrospect, maybe because I felt I could not copy Jon. What is it that Jon did differently? I forgot to mention to the learners that the results will be stored as-is on the course repo, so they can see we actually read (and respond to) those.

Also the discussion of the Retrospect: the last item is 'Action points'. I feel these were more discussion results. Maybe Jon would have done better by pushing for an action...?

I was happy that the teacher had more time for exercises.

I was happy to see one of my colleagues dared to point to random learners to give an answer to a question.

We teachers had a discussion on what to include in the course material what should be in and what should not: what algorithm should we used?


Only discuss theory that ...

- is (and can be) checked by an exercise
- is needed for the shared project

When in doubt, remove.

I am happy we discussed this, it shows we are open to discussing our ideas.

A list of things that my algorithm suggests to move/remove are:

  • risk analysis: no exercise, not needed for shared project
  • use of ChatGPT to generate design documents: no exercise, not needed for shared project (as the learners create the documents themselves)
  • object orientation on Monday and Tuesday: no exercise, not needed for shared project, maybe do this at the OOP lecture on Friday
  • inheritance on Monday and Tuesday: no exercise, not needed for shared project, maybe do this at the OOP lecture on Friday
  • creating an own local GitHub repo: not needed for shared project
  • markdown markup: no exercise, not needed for shared project, maybe do this at the documentation lecture on Friday
  • mermaid markup on Monday: no exercise, but I think it is important for class design on Tuesday
  • putting Mermaid in a README on Tuesday during class design: no exercise, maybe do this at earlier
  • optimization, not vital to the shared project
  • documentation on Monday: no exercise, instead do this at the documentation lecture on Friday
  • pseudocode: no exercise, not needed for shared project