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Dream design

Learning outcomes

  • Understand dream design
  • Understand why dream design
  • Understand what a stub is
  • Understand why to use stubs
  • Apply dream design on own class
  • Practice writing stubs for own class
  • Rehearse TDD
For teachers

Lesson plan:

  title Lesson plan dream programming
  dateFormat X
  axisFormat %s
  Introduction : intro, 0, 5s
  Pair up: pair_up, after intro, 5s
  Read in silence: crit, read, after pair_up, 10s
  Answer together: crit, answer, after read, 5s
  Teacher may come in to discuss: discuss, after read, 10s
  Continue: crit, exercise_2, after answer, 25s


To design your code, 'dream design' is a way to assure that you work top-down.

The term 'dream design' is no formal term.

'Writing stubs', which is what we are doing, is closer to the more formal term, but I, Richel, feel 'dream design', albeit no formal term, describes better what is going on.

Step 0: an empty class

Here, we image a class that performs a computational experiment:

  class Experiment

Step 1: create an experiment

We do not need to use a formal class just yet, and maybe we never will. At this point in time, an empty list could be used too.

Whatever we pick, whether we put our data in a class or in a list, we can already dream of a function called create_experiment:

experiment = create_experiment()

We may even already dream of getting this code to run, yet the actual implement is now irrelevant.

def create_experiment():
    return []

experiment = create_experiment()
class Experiment:
    """An experiment class"""

def create_experiment():
    return Experiment()

experiment = create_experiment()

We can also write a test:

# Should pass without error
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_create_experiment(self):
        # Should pass without error

Step 2: run the experiment

Now, what do we want to do with it?

Well, we probably want to run it, so we can dream of writing a function that runs the experiment:

experiment = create_experiment()
What about using instead?

This is a worse option at this point in time.

Those with experience in object oriented programming may imagine that experiment is a class, with a run member function. However, make a function a member only if it needs direct access to the representation of a class.

As we do not need direct access to the implementation of experiment, we should already use a member function.

When using a member function becomes really necessary, one has no option but to use However, this may never happen.

We can imagine that run can work on an experiment, whatever type experiment may be.

The actual implement is now irrelevant.

def run(experiment):

We can also write a test:

# Should pass without error
experiment = create_experiment()
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_run(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        # Should pass without error

Step 3: run the experiment and get the results

However, running an experiment is not enough: we need the results of the run.

We dream a bit more precise now:

experiment = create_experiment()
results = run(experiment)

We can imagine that results holds the results of the experiment, whatever type it may be.

The actual implement is now irrelevant.

def run(experiment):
    return 42

'results' sounds like an idea that can be put in a class. We update our class diagram:

  class Experiment {
  class Results {

We can also write a test:

# Should pass without error
experiment = create_experiment()
results = run(experiment)
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_run_creates_a_result(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        # Should pass without error
        results = run(experiment)

Step 4: save the results

However, getting the results in the memory of a computer is not enough: we need to save those results to file.

Hence, we may dream:

experiment = create_experiment()
results = run(experiment)
save(results, "my_results.csv")

We can imagine that save save the results of the experiment to a file called my_results.csv, whatever type results may be.

The actual implement is now irrelevant.

def save(results, filename):

We can also write a test:

experiment = create_experiment()
results = run(experiment)
save(results, "my_results.csv")
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_save(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        results = run(experiment)
        # Should pass without error
        save(results, "my_results.csv")

Step 5: a simulation has parameters

Our simulation probably needs parameters.

Hence, we may dream:

parameters = create_parameters()
experiment = create_experiment(parameters)
results = run(experiment)
save(results, "my_results.csv")

We can imagine that create_parameters creates parameters, that are used to initialize an experiment.

The actual implement is now irrelevant.

def create_parameters():
    return []

def create_experiment(parameters = []):
    return parameters

'An experiment has parameters' makes sense and we update our class diagram:

  class Experiment {
  class Results {

We can also write a test:

parameters = create_parameters()
experiment = create_experiment(parameters)
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_create_an_experiment_with_parameters(self):
        parameters = create_parameters()
        experiment = create_experiment(parameters)

Step 6: read parameters from file

Our simulation probably needs to read parameters from a file:

Hence, we may dream:

parameters = read_parameters_from_file("parameters.txt")
experiment = create_experiment(parameters)
results = run(experiment)
save(results, "my_results.csv")

We can imagine that read_parameters_from_file reads parameters from a file.

The actual implement is now irrelevant.

def read_parameters_from_file(filename):
    return []

We can also write a test:

# Should pass without errors
class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_read_parameters_from_file(self):
        # Should pass without errors


Consider the code we just dreamt:

parameters = read_parameters_from_file("parameters.txt")
experiment = create_experiment(parameters)
results = run(experiment)
save(results, "my_results.csv")

This code is very good!

Consider the class diagram we created:

  class Experiment {
  class Results {

This class diagram is very good!

Consider the tests we dreamt of writing:

class TestExperiment(unittest.TestCase):

    """Class to test the code in src.bacsim.particle."""

    def test_create_experiment(self):
        # Should pass without error
    def test_run(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        # Should pass without error
    def test_run_creates_a_result(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        # Should pass without error
        results = run(experiment)
    def test_save(self):
        experiment = create_experiment()
        results = run(experiment)
        # Should pass without error
        save(results, "my_results.csv")
    def test_create_an_experiment_with_parameters(self):
        parameters = create_parameters()
        experiment = create_experiment(parameters)
    def test_read_parameters_from_file(self):
        # Should pass without errors

Our tests are good and ensure that our dream remains a reality.

Doing TDD in these steps, may result in the implementation below. The formal term of each of these functions is called a stub. A 'stub' is 'the first beginning of something'.

def create_parameters():
    return []

def read_parameters_from_file(filename):
    return []

def create_experiment(parameters = []):
    return parameters

def run(experiment):
    return 42

def save(results, filename):

These stubs are already important: they are the infrastructure of your software. With the stubs in place, we have sketched the functions of our project.

From here, we can make these stubs actually do something useful, by adding tests that test actual behavior. For example, save should actually create a file.

???- question "How would this blend when using classes?"?

Perfectly fine! Here we see how those functions
forward their functionality to classes:

def create_parameters():
    return Parameters()

def read_parameters_from_file(filename):
    return Parameters(filename)

def create_experiment(parameters = []):
    return Experiment(parameters)

def run(experiment):

def save(results, filename):


Exercise 1: dream-design

Learning outcomes
  • Understand dream design
  • Understand why dream design
  • Understand what a stub is
  • Understand why to use stubs


  • Set a timer of 10 minutes
  • Individually, take those 10 minutes to:
    • read the text above from start to finish.
    • for yourself, answer the questions below
    • for yourself, answer the discussion points below that


  • Is dream design a actual formal term?
  • Why use dream design?
  • What is a stub?
  • Why are stubs important?
  • Is dream design a actual formal term?

No. It is an invented term that is felt to better describe what is going on.

  • Why use dream design?

To develop readable code in a top-down way, as we purposefully ignore details.

  • What is a stub?

A 'stub' is 'the first beginning of something'.

  • Why are stubs important?

Stubs are the infrastructure of your software: they define inputs and outputs of functions that have understandable names.


  • At conclusion, the dreamt code is given.
    • Do you agree/disagree that the code is good?
    • Can the code be improved? How?
  • At conclusion, the dreamt class diagram is given.
    • Do you agree/disagree that the class diagram is good?
    • Can the class diagram be improved? How?
  • At conclusion, the dreamt tests are given.
    • Do you agree/disagree that the tests are good?
    • Can the tests be improved? How?
    • Should the tests be removed when the stubs have matured into useful functions and are tested for real behavior?
  • At conclusion, one example implementation is given.
    • Do you agree/disagree that the example implementation is good?
    • Can it be improved? How?

Exercise 2: dream-design your class

Learning outcomes
  • Apply dream design on own class

Everyone in this course is the owner of a class in the shared project. The current class design of the shared project can be found at design/

In your group:

  • In isolation, for 10 minutes:
    • Dream the code how to use your class (this first block of code of 4 lines at conclusion).
    • Write down this code somewhere, e.g. learners/[your_name]/[class_name].md
  • As a group, discuss each group members' result:
    • Is the dreamt code good?
    • Can it be improved?

When the class owner can defend his/her ideas, it is good enough :-)

Exercise 3: write the stubs for your class

Learning outcomes
  • Write the stubs for your class
  • Practice TDD

With the dreamt code in mind, (re)develop it using TDD: write that test first, then make it come true.

Work on a branch of the owner of the class. Merge to develop when done.