Create a class list¶
Learning outcomes
- Create a first list of classes that may be needed
- Experience first step in design
- Allow for the feeling that design could be improved in hindsight
- Distribute ownership of project
For teachers
Lesson plan:
title Lesson plan dream programming
dateFormat X
axisFormat %s
Introduction : intro, 0, 5s
Pair up: pair_up, after intro, 5s
Read in silence: crit, read, after pair_up, 10s
Answer together: crit, answer, after read, 5s
Teacher may come in to discuss: discuss, after read, 10s
Continue: crit, exercise_2, after answer, 25s
- Read project description
- Which classes does the project need?
- Together, in a shared document:
- make an alphabetic list of structures in the shared document
- add exactly 1 maintainer to each struct
- Put it on the GitHub repository