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Runtime speed profile

Learning objectives

  • Understand misconceptions on optimisation
  • Understand Amdahl's law
  • Practice to determine the big-O profile of a function
  • Practice to get a run-time speed profile

Run-time speed profile

  • See which code is spent most time in
  • :monocle_face: Use an input of suitable complexity
    • Note to self: next example should take at least 10 seconds!
  • 😎 Consider using CI to obtain a speed profile every push!

Run-time speed profile: code

  • [ ] Show R code in repo
  • [ ] Run R code from RStudio
  • [ ] Show Python code in repo
  • [ ] Run Python code from command line

Myth 1

def slow_tmp_swap(x, y):
    tmp = x
    x = y
    y = tmp
    return x, y

def superfast_xor_swap(x, y):
    x ^= y
    y ^= x
    x ^= y
    return x, y

Exercise 1 [30 mins]

Create speed profile of any function you like.

  • [ ] Remind Python and R code on learner's repo

Exercise 2 [SKIP]

Create speed profile of

Exercise 3 [SKIP]

Create speed profile of DNA alignment

Step 3: Think

  • How to achieve the same with less calculations?
    • Aim to change big-O, not some micro-optimization
    • For example, store earlier results in a sorted look-up table

Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm:

  1. Write down the problem.
  2. Think very hard.
  3. Write down the answer

Step 4: Measure again

In TDD, this test would have been present already:

assert 10.0 * get_t_runtime_b() < get_t_runtime_a()

Adapt the constant to reality.

Recap quote

It is far, far easier to make a correct program fast, than it is to make a fast program correct.

Herb Sutter

Herb Sutter

Source Wikimedia

Case study

  • [ ] Show ProjectRampal