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Summary of Monday

Today we:

  • ☑ can give a reason of the benefits of following a software development procedure
  • ☑ can choose the better ones from the different software development models
  • ☑ can give a reason for the benefits of the different tools for the SDLC
  • ☑ have practiced starting a projects using Git/GitHub
  • ☑ have practiced making project analysis

Parts to be covered!

  • ☑ Source/version control
    • Git
    • We have a starting point!
    • GitHub as remote backup
  • ☑ Planning
    • ☑ Analysis
    • Design
  • ☐ Testing
    • Different levels
    • We don't do this today!
  • ☐ Collaboration
    • GitHub
  • ☑ Sharing
    • ☑ open science
    • ☐ citation
    • ☑ licensing
  • ☐ Documentation