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Introduction to Monday

Today we will:

  • Set the start in why a formalized development of software is needed.
  • Identify the main topics and objectives for the week's lessons.
  • Learn bout the tools and processes in the software development cycle.
  • Start a software project following a formalized development and tools.


  1. We start with a more theoretical introduction covering the software and tools and mindsets for software development.

  2. The second part follows the development of a simple software project.

    • The exercises and type-alongs are to some extent based on copy-pasting code.

    • So you don’t need to program yourself or understand the python syntax used.

    • The important aspect is the workflow!

  3. Deeper material not covered in the lessons today can be found in the extra reading part.

Learning objectives of 'Introduction'
  • Identify the main topics and objectives for the week's lessons.
  • Evaluate the importance of engaging with course content and identify strategies to maintain interest and motivation throughout the week.

  • We will set the start in why a formalized development of software is needed.

Learning objectives of 'SDLC tools'
  • Compare and contrast various software development tools and justify their relevance to specific development tasks.
Learning objectives of 'Get started with Git/GitHub'
  • Demonstrate the ability to initiate and manage a software development project using Git and GitHub.
Learning objectives of 'Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)'
  • The student has an undertanding of the overview concepts software development process and understands the basic reasoning behind iterative software development
  • Content
    • Define the fundamental concepts introduced in the course and explain their significance in software development.
    • Explain the core principles and theories underlying software development concepts covered in the course.
Learning objectives of 'Project start with analysis and design'
  • Analysis
    • The student understands and can show how to de construct a project breif into a requirments document then transfer that into a simple matrix based risk anlysis.
    • The students complete a requirements gathering and risk analysis for the Student Project
    • Execute basic Git commands to perform version control tasks and manage project repositories effectively.
    • Apply analytical and design techniques to plan and conceptualize software development projects effectively.


    • understand the basics of a analysis and design
    • analysis
      • Talk about risks
      • UML
    • design
      • UML, (pseudocode)
      • modular intro
      • object orientation intro (students ready for Tue morning)
    • get started with planning the project

Detailed schedule

Day Time Teacher Subject
Monday 09:00-10:00 Björn Syllabus + Introduction
Monday 10:15-11:00 Björn Tools
Monday 11:15-12:00 Björn Start project git basic on documents (no coding?) (in groups, on repo) (show both local /GitHub)
Monday 13:00-14:00 Lars SDLC
Monday 14:15-15:00 Lars project/class design
Monday 15:15-15:45 Lars project design (in groups, on repo, using web interface only)
Monday 15:45-16:00 Richel Retrospect