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Meeting April 10th Wednesday 11:00-12:00


  • [X] Björn
  • [x] Lars
  • [x] Richel


  • Week 13: learning objectives on pages: ...
    • B: ?done!
    • L: ?Monday done, need to do Tuesday and Friday
    • R: draft, need revision
  • Week 14: start of draft of exercises in place: <--
    • B: added most of them (needs some updates)
    • L:
    • R: done
  • Week 15: draft of material in place: ...
    • B: most is there but need to be restructured and shortened
    • L:
    • R: done
Open Issue Assigned Progress R None BLR B done Mo BLR R done . Discuss next meeting


  • [LR, FYI, 3 mins] L wants to have some people from other departments to help as a TA, with the goal of getting to know each other.

    • R will happily set them work, especially in the pair programming! R will contact L
  • [R] The goal of the prereqs page is that our learners can verify that they have installed the minimum requirements for the course. Achieved? If not, what is next plan?

    • BC makes a review again.
  • [R, FYI, 3 mins] R made a more detailed overview at , with project exercises at the bottom. Maybe you find it helpful too?
  • [B] Demos and examples fro BC's theory part
    • Use parts of planet project!!
  • [R] L seems to be lagging behind. How can we help?
    • L will report his progress on the Slack, so others an jump in
  • [R] Remember to remind learners to have a proper place to talk, with proper equipment
  • [B] Use HackMD as a shared document? B+L+R: yes!