Meeting 2024-03-06 11.00¶
- Attendees: everyone
- Estimated time before meeting: 33 mins
- Actual time: 38 mins
- [Richel, FYI, 1 min] I enjoy the new course website. Thanks Björn!
- [Richel, FYI, 1 min] The mermaid
graphs are great, e.g.
! - [Richel, FYI, 1 min] git exercises are ready, including teaching goals
- [Richel, vote, 5 mins] Agree on yes/no? Richel: Yes, Björn: yes. Lars: yes.
- Björn: We should mention PlantUML in the tools session but point to the ReadExtra section. Lars: I will do that!
- [Richel, discuss, 5 mins] Discuss
- Bjorn wiloblemsl do this
- [Richel, discuss, 5 mins] Discuss
- Richel will do this
- [Richel, discuss with Björn, 3 mins] I'd like to link to a git book, over writing own content. Pro Git is an authority. What about using it? If not, which book?
- Björn will check the book and picks a book, Richel will follow
- Lars: Book should be in the reading materials. Richel: it is already there
- [Richel, discuss, 3 mins] Is there a moment learners can get help with setting up? If yes, when?
- Onboarding takes place Thursday 18th April 11:00-(max)12:00!
- Lars and Björn and Richel show up
- possibly individual help later on if huge problems
- [Richel, discuss, 3 mins] Some courses schedule an hour to train the TAs. Do we have TAs? If yes, should we schedule this? FYI, I wrote down the breakout room policy at where I describe my exercises' procedure
- Lars: no TAs yet, we can ask NBIS if we discover we need some
- [Richel, discuss, 3 mins] Discuss
- Björn does it
- [Richel, discuss, 3 mins] Discuss moving schedule from this doc to course website, under 'About the course -> Schedule'
- Björn does it
- [Lars, FYI] Lars prepares the NBIS course landing pages tomorrow/Thursday 7th March
- Björn: link to NBIS Anmälan in InfoGlue? Lars: when ready, I will contact you
- Björn: How many applications? Lars: a few already
- [Lars, FYI] We now have a formal NBIS email address for the course. Lars will fix getting access to that email address
- [Lars, FYI] We need a Canvas page, I will make it link to the course pages
- Björn: need Richel and Lars coordinate? Nope, they work quite isolated :-)
- Lars: need Richel and Marcus coordinate? Richel will coordinate :-)
- [ ] TODO: Richel updates Marcus :-)
- Next meeting: Wednesday 20 March 11:00-12:00 (next week is teaching week)
- Lars allows everyone to fix his spelling errors